Had a Very Ruff day 4 need support.

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Had a Very Ruff day 4 need support.

Postby Guest » December 4th, 2005, 9:29 am

Hi all, Today is the morning of day 5 for me and I'm going to try to get through as best I can....Yesterday was very difficult for me :cry: It was Satuday, the day I usually go out to eat with Hubby. I sat up from bed and started crying :cry: , I felt empty and like ther was nothing to look foward to like my whole day was shot. My aunt flo came for a visit :x , and I had severe gas that caused pain you would not believe wich also woke me up @ 5am moaning wich woke hubby up. I think it was the closest thing to labor pians I've ever felt :oops: . I had been doing the 5&1 plan the past 3 days but decided to full fast Saturday cause weekends are worst!! I did have 1 piece of sugar free gum around 8pm wich i thought could have brought on the gas but I've had it before without problems. Sooo lastnight I was ready to throw in the towl but I came in here to read some posts wich got me feeling a smidge better :| . This morning I got up and had my oats with some coffee. I do believe I will be having my L&G today wich usually consists of chicken and lettuce. I hope I am able to carry on. I am going to Disney in 2-3 wks. I have to feel better :) !!!!!! THANX FOR THE VENT!! ~ Amber.
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Postby Nancy » December 4th, 2005, 4:42 pm

Hi Ho, Amber ~

I hope that you are feeling better. I understand the anger issues. I had them too when I first began my weight loss adventure. Sometimes I still feel resentment toward skinny minnies who can eat all they want. I must watch what I eat all the time. The flab I lost is still lurking around every corner and is willing and ready to return.

There really isn't any reason that you cannot go out with your husband and enjoy yourself. Maybe there are other places that you and your husband could consider going that are fun and not as tempting for you.

We like to go to Borders or Barnes and Noble and read books or look at magazines. We like to go out for coffee with friends. Our friend Paul can eat anything and everything and still fit into his 501's with no difficulty. I can take a sideways glance at a scone and pack on five pounds...I sip a coffee with a teensy bit of half and half or have a steaming cup of tea. I'd rather have the scone but I'd rather be able to fit into my smaller clothes, too - so I choose wisely.

It is always important to follow the program exactly right but even more so when you are in the beginning phase - establish good habits now - they will help you make it through to your goal. You lived through four days; you can therefore live through day five! then day six, etc.
like there was nothing to look forward to

Huh? Come on now! You have so much to look forward to – improved health, a sense of well being, increased energy, happier joints, a better appearance – you can make a list of all that comes as a result of losing weight.

You have LOTS to look forward to as there is less of you! Cheer up; rearrange your clothes because you are going to get rid of some of those larger sizes very soon! Get out of the house ad get some fresh air and freshen up your thinkin’ ‘cuz life does not begin in a restaurant or revolve around food! There is so much more!

Happy thinnin’ to you!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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