So, I'm sitting there pondering which supplement to have for breakfast. In the past on a special occasion I felt the need to eat a big breakfast. Usually pancakes or french toast. And only lost 1 lb this week so I'm throwing a tiny pity party in my head. I sit there and think "I want some pancakes! I'm a mom, I deserve some pancakes, whine whine whine (any justification will do)". Then, a split second later, the part of my brain that actually cares about me said, "what you DESERVE is to be healthy and thin and the pancakes will NOT get you there". As fast as it came, the pity party was over and immediately I felt better and had some yummy MF oatmeal and a big glass of water. This is huge for me on so many levels. It's not often I have even heard that little voice in the past and today it was so loud I had to listen. Before, if that little voice even made a peep I would squash it down and completely ignore it. Today I embraced it and am going to continue to do so because it's just the right voice to follow to get me to healthy.
If you have stuck with the post this far, thanks for listening!!!