Had a revelation this morning (food mentioned)

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Had a revelation this morning (food mentioned)

Postby ljm498 » May 8th, 2005, 5:55 am

So, I'm sitting there pondering which supplement to have for breakfast. In the past on a special occasion I felt the need to eat a big breakfast. Usually pancakes or french toast. And only lost 1 lb this week so I'm throwing a tiny pity party in my head. I sit there and think "I want some pancakes! I'm a mom, I deserve some pancakes, whine whine whine (any justification will do)". Then, a split second later, the part of my brain that actually cares about me said, "what you DESERVE is to be healthy and thin and the pancakes will NOT get you there". As fast as it came, the pity party was over and immediately I felt better and had some yummy MF oatmeal and a big glass of water. This is huge for me on so many levels. It's not often I have even heard that little voice in the past and today it was so loud I had to listen. Before, if that little voice even made a peep I would squash it down and completely ignore it. Today I embraced it and am going to continue to do so because it's just the right voice to follow to get me to healthy.

If you have stuck with the post this far, thanks for listening!!!

Me 34
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Postby LilMsTexas » May 8th, 2005, 6:57 am

Hey Lynne........good Sunday morning. And say a little hello for me to the best friend you have in the world......that tiny little voice in your head that loves you so much. Do you know why we don't listen to her very often? It's because we have a hard time excepting that we LOVE ourselves like we love others. She is instructing us to do something that we so rarely do......put ourselves FIRST!

I know what you mean about breakfast. That is my favorite meal of the day and especially on Mother's Day we would have all gone out to a wonderful breakfast and I would have eaten til I was STUFFED!! But today I had a shake and this afternoon we are going to Cracker Barrell (instead of my usual Outback Steakhouse) so I can have my lean and green without cheating. At the Outback I would have only been disappointed about not having the tons and tons of wheat bread and butter I usually have and the Ceasar salad with that fattening dressing and the baked potatoe with the tons of butter and cheese!! oops...sorry...too much description there. But you see.....I can have that TREAT DAY when I am skinny and walking into the Outback with a FANTABULOUS sleeveless sundress on :D

So good for you and good for me this morning. let's celebrate with our little voices this morning and do a little happy dance with her!!

Christi AKA LilMsTexas


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Postby sister » May 8th, 2005, 8:13 am

Hi Lynne,

To me, what you experienced this morning is a major turning point in your attitude and commitment to yourself. I did the same exact thing about a month into this program. It will pop up all the time - from realizing you are going to lick a spoon when cooking or being in a restaurant and passing on the crackers and bread or like you said, having a pity party.

So, C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!! :cleader: :cleader: :cleader:

You are definitely winning the battle!
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Postby ljm498 » May 8th, 2005, 8:37 am

Christi, you are so right about us having to love ourselves and I want to know, why is that so darn hard sometimes? It shouldn't be! I guess things like self-esteem issues and many other issues get in the way of that sometimes (well, for myself that is). But you are right that sometimes we do have to put ourselves first. By the way, I love the Outback too! And good for you for choosing a place where you know you can stay on target!! That's great!

Sherri, yes indeed I do feel like it's a major turning point, you are right. And I feel so good about that! It's like, I suddenly "get it". Hopefully that feeling that I "get it" will stay with me throughout this whole process and beyond. I see all of this with such clarity today.

Congratulations to us all! We're going to win this!!!!

Me 34
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Postby doglover » May 8th, 2005, 12:42 pm

Here's to you :buddies:
Here's to that little voice :hi5:
and here's to clarity! :toast:

You can do it - and you ARE doing it!
Great job!
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Postby Dean0408 » May 8th, 2005, 1:01 pm


You did EXACTLY what it takes to be successful. First you acknowledged that YES.........I want some good old tasty yet fattening food......ESPECIALLY on Mother's Day......I deserve it DARN IT!!

Then, you let your logical side step in and explain why you SHOULDN'T have pancakes.

Remember those old cartoons that had the two sides of a character's conscience sitting on his shoulders? One was usually telling him the wrong thing to do and looked like a little devil and ther other was telling him the right thing to do and looked like an angel.

Well, that is exactly what you had today. ......and .......you listened to the little angel instead of the little devil. GOOD FOR YOU!!

What you did is the SECRET to success.

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Postby ljm498 » May 8th, 2005, 3:45 pm

Dean, exactly! That little angel reached up and smacked that little devil and drove it out! :x Go little angel! :D Hopefully the little angel will keep him down EVERY time.

Me 34
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Postby DonicaB » May 8th, 2005, 3:56 pm

Lynne~~Doesn't it feel good to know that you had a stumbling block put right in front of you and YOU did not allow it to cause you to stumble? YOU stayed strong and in control.

Sherri, I love the way you put it. It is a turning point. I'm sure all of us have experience several turning points along this journey. I can't believe some times that I, Me, Moi can actually say NO.

My family took me out to this wonderful little restaurant. It is about 40 miles from our house, we have to travel by 2 ferries to get there. This place has great fish and has huge fish tanks beside every table. I again was able to stay on plan. What is happening with me? I am not bailing every time someone puts a little temptation in front of me. I love this feeling because I am beginning to actually believe I am going to succeed this time.

Thank you Lynne for bringing this up because you have reminded me how we are all in this together. We definitely can relate to one another here and it is so amazing how much that helps.

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Postby ljm498 » May 9th, 2005, 3:41 am

Donica, way to go with staying on plan! That's fabulous! You're right, staying in control is key and you did great today! We ARE going to succeed this time, and for the LAST time with weight loss. We WILL NOT have to do this again. Why? Because we LOVE OURSELVES!!! :goteam:

We are all in this together and I think it's absolutely terrific that this website and these forums are here with such wonderful and supportive people. Reading everyone's posts are such a help to me I can't even tell you how much.

Me 34
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Postby DonicaB » May 9th, 2005, 6:40 am

Thank you Lynne~~I totally agree that it is hard to put into words how much this forum means to me and how much it helps. I thank God every day for the people on this forum.

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