If I had known it was this easy I would have don

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If I had known it was this easy I would have don

Postby carol77 » May 4th, 2004, 11:25 pm

I would have done this years ago and not gotten to the plus size I was at 4 weeks ago but I am only 4 weeks into this and and have now lost 20lbs. I understand now it's all about changing your body's chemistry and this is by far the simplest thing I've ever done and I was wondering if others have tried it evidentally it has a very high rate of success for weight loss and it's not even specifically just for weight loss. I've had so many other benefits in addition to the dramatic weight loss I'm very amazed, more energy, better concentration and much clearer skin and other positive things. Let me know if you have.

<snip>no urls please</snip>
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Postby Tonya » May 6th, 2004, 9:12 am

I've noticed tons of benefits over and above the weight loss. My blood sugar seems to stay more stable. My complexion is awesome. I have tons of energy and feel lots better than I did when I was eating "regular food".

Welcome to the club and congratulations on your loss!

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