Had a bad week...to say the least

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Had a bad week...to say the least

Postby junglejane » April 25th, 2005, 8:10 am

I had a bad week this week. My father had to have major surgery that we were not expecting for several weeks, my brother's wife died suddenly and unexpectedly, and my 3 yr old son became so ill with a stomach "flu" that he had to be hospitalized and rehydrated. My 1 yr old daughter also had the "flu" but faired much better. On top of this, I flew in to be with my father for his surgery and came down with the same stomach "flu" before I even got to go to the hospital. I spent 2 days alone in a hotel room puking up my toenails followed by 2 days of eating everything in sight for numerous emotional reasons.

OK, that is all the whining I'm allowing myself. Let's just assume I am starting over today. I will get a new weight on Sunday. Not emotionally stable enough right now to get on the scales. Can't face another disappointment... it may keep me from getting back on the wagon this week. My motto has always been "This too shall pass" . Thanks for listening.
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Postby 24KaratGold » April 25th, 2005, 8:13 am

Oh dear jane, you have had a terrible week indeed. Don't beat yourself up over not staying on plan -- sometimes there are just so many things we can make ourselves do when the load gets heavy. Thoughts and prayers to your father and your brother, and to you too.

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Postby babiette » April 25th, 2005, 8:40 am

(((Jane))) Image I'm so sorry for all the trauma you've had this week. I had a similar experience of tragic events last year, but they were spread of a month not a week and at least I was with family at the time.

Don't feel bad about how you handled this. Sometimes our emotional needs are so urgent that the only sane way to survive is to fall back on old coping mechanisms instead of trying to learn new ones on the fly.

My mom used to say that any verse that started with "it came to pass" was her favourite verse in the bible because it reinforced the "this too shall pass" promise. She would point out that no where in the bible does it say "it came to stay."

Take care of yourself, especially after having the flu.
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Postby DonicaB » April 25th, 2005, 8:54 am

Jane~~Wow, talk about STRESS. :bricks: Life can really stink sometimes huh? I will be praying for you and your family. :angel:

As far as not staying on plan.....well......ya know.......sometimes LIFE JUST GETS IN THE WAY. I think you have a great attitude about getting back on track. I'm not so sure I would have the same great attitude if I had so many stressful things going on at once.

Jane, you are strong........you have proven that already......Just lean on those around you for support. We are here when you need us.

God Bless!

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Postby kassilou » April 25th, 2005, 8:54 am

Jane, I'm sorry to hear about all your troubles this past week. That is an awful lot to deal with in so short a time. Don't feel bad for doing what you needed to do to get through.

Glad you are feeling better. How is you dad doing?l
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Postby junglejane » April 25th, 2005, 9:22 am

thank you so much girls for listening and offering your support. This is what I love about this forum. It makes it so much easier to pick yourself back up when there are so many out there who really do care about every humanbeing. There are so many of you who have the gift of compassion and know how to express it. Then there are people like me who feel compassion but never know how to put it into words. This is why you rarely see me respond to forums....I just don't know what to say or how to say it. God bless those of you with that gift.

My father is doing well 3 days post-op. He had his colon and intestine removed completely due to severe colitis. His is now going to go through the adjustment to a permanent illeostomy bag. It is hard for a proud man to accept what he views as an indignity. We will be with him all the way.
Thank you for your prayers, they mean the world to me.
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Postby raederle » April 25th, 2005, 10:04 am

junglejane wrote:I just don't know what to say or how to say it.

I feel that way today, Jane! But even though I don't know what to really say to make any of what you're going thru easier, I just wanted to let you know that I'm here, like the other gals, and wish things were better for you. They will be, and I like babiette's comment about things coming to pass, not to stay. :mrgreen: Let's hope they pass quickly, so you can feel better and get on with better days.

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Postby bk » April 25th, 2005, 3:30 pm

To me it says a WHOLE lot that you marched back right back on the boards. Your week had to be the worst ever, but you are still going back to the program after this mess is over. BRAVA!
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Postby dlr2424 » April 26th, 2005, 7:54 pm

Jane...........when it rains it pours............. :cry: ...and for others..when it rains it pours..... :tears: .....thunders.........lightening...... :lightbeam: .....hurricane winds.........God............some have such trying STORMS of life....... :bricks: .......it's all we can do to stay afloat.........sometimes our goals take a temporary backseat.......... :huh: .........you had to much on your plate...........( not talking about food... ;) ......)..........at that moment......eating can become a coping mechanisim....... :cry: . ...... however, I admire your strength........ :weightlift: ........you picked yourself up so fast.........my many prayers for all of you that are hurting and having to deal with the challenges life throws our way........I once read........"God never promised life would be easy.......but He did promise He would be with us always".........may His love provide you strength & warmth............. :angel:

Donna...dlr2424......... :hug:

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