Gucci-Goo aka Dark & Stormy

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Postby GucciGoo » January 26th, 2007, 2:52 pm

I am actually a wonderful cook. I love cooking at home and have shared many new and delicious MF dishes with everyone. But there really is so much [rotein you can eat before you start having dreams of buttered baked potatoes, macaroni and cheese, meatballs and spaghetti...

I just feel like every night is chicken. fish. chicken. fish.
I feel like every time I go out to eat, I end up with fajitas (which now I understand I cannot have either) or a bun-less burger and bland veggies. It really is hard to watch everyone else have such good stuff.
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Postby Lauren » January 26th, 2007, 2:58 pm

Do you eat seafood? Pork? Tofu? I'm not sure if you keep kosher...
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Postby GucciGoo » January 26th, 2007, 3:40 pm

Look at these rosy cheeks! It was FREEZING here today!

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Postby bikipatra » January 26th, 2007, 5:56 pm

Just perfectly adorable! You are very lucky to have such a gift! :heart:
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Postby katieb920 » January 26th, 2007, 6:28 pm

What a cutie. I know I went to go warm up the car today and it said 6 degrees where I live. I think everyones face were a little red today.
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Postby GucciGoo » January 27th, 2007, 7:26 am

Thanks guys! He is a sweetie :)
Katie- I am in NJ too and it was brutal yesterday. At least today we are back into the 40's.

Well, I weigh in tomorrow. I am pretty nervous about it. Becuase I know if there isn't a big loss I get mad and more apt to cheat. My only motivation is a loss.
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Postby GucciGoo » January 27th, 2007, 5:09 pm

Well, tomorrow is weigh-in for the first time in two weeks. I added 2 extra glasses of water. And for dinner I had cottage cheese with grilled asparagus and mushrooms with a little soy sauce. Hope the salt doesn't kill me for weigh-in.
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Postby GucciGoo » January 28th, 2007, 5:03 am

I'm done.

After losing ONE pound per week for the last three weeks in a row, I decided to try another plan where I can actually EAT food and still lose a measly 1 pound per week.

Medifast was wonderful when I averaged 2-3 pounds per week. But ONE pound a week? I will NEVER get to my goal for Las Vegas that way.

I am practically starving myself and not getting anything in return.
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Postby bikipatra » January 28th, 2007, 6:35 am

Beth, I hate to break it to you, but you are just NOT big enough to post huge losses most of the time. I understand your desire to be a certain weight and to reach that goal.( When I weighed 150 pounds I thought I was a horse, even though I wasn't really.) I support your desire to lose more weight wholehardedly. I know from experience that the lower the weight that you are, the lower your loses are. You body needs fewer calories to function so the calorie deficit is lower when you are dieting, hence the weight loss is slower. Like I said earlier, I wish you all the luck in the world reaching your goals! But if you leave I will miss you!
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Postby Serendipity » January 28th, 2007, 7:59 am

Best of luck to you, Beth. Stop back and let us know how WW is working for ya. MF isn't for everyone. Sticking to it is key and I know you've had trouble doing that. Maybe WW will be a better fit for you.

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Postby katieb920 » January 28th, 2007, 9:45 am

Hi Beth,

I think I have read every post on this message board. And I saw that some people switched there lean and greens around. Instead of having it at night or in the afternoon. Have it in the morning. Mabye cut out the soy crisps for awhile and see if that helps. I know that is what I am going to do when I hit a plateau. I hope you do well with what you ever decide. Good luck

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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » January 28th, 2007, 11:25 am

I'm gonna miss you Beth :sadblue:. Maybe you're right, a plan that let's you eat regular food for all meals might be a better fit for you.

Like Lauren said in a earlier post. Your MF weightloss experience shouldn't be a burden or a chore. If it is, it can't work effectively.

Our attitude and mindset toward what we are doing determines how successful we are going to be in reaching our goals. So if there is another plan out there that can get you excited and motivated to reach your goals, go for it!

As for me, despite my inablity to breakthrough this plateau( more like a wall! :wallwall: ) I know that MF works for me. I simply feel better and do better while on this plan. So I'll never quit.

I really hope that you can find your way Beth! Best of luck to you in whatever you chose to do! Love ya! :hug:

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Postby Allison Onederland » January 28th, 2007, 1:48 pm


What Biki said about you not being big enough to have huge losses every week is so true! The closer I get to goal, the slower the weight is coming off. It IS coming off though!

I feel exactly the same way you do about seeing everyone eat the good stuff while you do without but don't see the results of your sacrifice. I just keep telling myself that I gained slowly over a long period of time and it isn't going to come off overnight. I also look at all the goodies I'm missing out on and ask myself, "what do I want taste something yummy or have all the great things that go with being a normal size?" And that list of "great things" is soooo long! Starting with the first time I went in a dressing room in the misses department, tried something on, it fit, and I stood there and cried.

The fact that you are not giving up is important. Weight watchers is a great program and will probably work for you. WW didn't work for me long term because I wanted noticeable results right away and didn't get that. It took me 3 months to lose 17lbs which seemed like a drop in the bucket for someone who needed to lose 90-100 lbs. Two years of weekly meetings and counting points was overwhelming to me. With Medifast I lost quickly at first which gave me incentive to stick with the program.

I like WW so much that once I go through maintenence I will probably go to WW to keep me in line. I hope you will come back to the forum and let us know how it's working for you. Good luck! :thumbup:
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Postby GucciGoo » January 29th, 2007, 6:31 am

Well I had a long talk with DH and he said that there is no way he is letting me waste the $600 worth of MF I bought this month, so he is making me stay on plan.

But I am just weighing in once a month and trying to avoid roll calls. I think what demotivates me the most is seeing that I am being SO good and losing SO little. I hate seeing that everyeone is posting 3-4 pound losses per week, when my losses are so small. It makes me think that MF is not worth it. And then I go and have pizza and velveeta grilled cheese like I did yesterday.

So in order to avoid getting that upset, I am only weighing in and doing roll call once per month. I have to get of the thing that demotivates me, and that is seeing everyone losing quickly when I am not.

I really do NOT have a hard time sticking to plan, as many of you suggested. I have a hard time sticking to plan when I am on a plateau and having tiny losses. Then I start thinking that since I am not losing, I might as well cheat.

I said before, loss is my only motivation. And I don't care if I sould like a brat.
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Postby GucciGoo » January 29th, 2007, 6:34 am

Allison Onederland wrote:Beth,
I feel exactly the same way you do about seeing everyone eat the good stuff while you do without but don't see the results of your sacrifice.

It's true. I had to hear about it this morning. The woman next to me at work does WW, eats whatever she wants in moderation, and loses about a pound per week. She thinks I am an incredible idiot for starving on shakes and losing the same as her.

I want to be able to throw MF in her face and say "HA! I lost 4 pounds this week!" but obviously that is not going to happen.
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