Gucci-Goo aka Dark & Stormy

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Postby Lauren » January 16th, 2007, 1:12 pm

Makes sense, definitely stay off the scale. If you exercise and stay totally compliant, the weight will come off, Beth, I promise. But no tastes or nibbles, get all your water in, and be sure to stay active. I know you have a very specific exercise routine, which is great, but don't forget to also just be extra active - take stairs instead of elevators, walk around more, just be more energized. All the "littles" add up to a lot, and help keep us in check. The more active you are, the less time you'll want to be eating. And yes, I know your baby keeps you busy, so do all the activities with him!

You'll be great!

Last edited by Lauren on January 17th, 2007, 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby GucciGoo » January 17th, 2007, 6:56 am

Thank you Lauren! I am working on it! I have done really well without weighing in every day, twice a day. That was too frustrating for me.

My next weigh-in will be 1/28. Hopefully by then, TOM will be gone and I will have lost something to be proud of!
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Postby GucciGoo » January 17th, 2007, 3:44 pm

Sooo... tonight's dinner is chicken chili. YUM

I chop the chicken into small pieces and then fry it in in a saucepan with Pam until all done. Then drain the chicken.

Using the same pot, I add a small amout (haha) of onions and cook them until clear, and then add 2 cans of canned diced tomatoes with mild green chiles. Then according to taste, I add red pepper, cumin and dried cilantro flakes. Put the chicken back in, mix very well and simmer on low for 30-60 minutes for best flavor.

When I am done I spoon out the veggies and chicken separately and measure them. Hubby gets the rest.
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Postby GucciGoo » January 18th, 2007, 4:59 am

Well, the chicken chili was AWESOME!!! It was a little spicy, but luckily I did not get an IBS attack. My husband had 2 large bowls of it with white rice, but the chili itself was so filling that I didn't really miss it. And I LOVE white rice!

I will definitely be making that again.

I am still not weighing in until the 28th. I'm taking that day by day. I am really hoping to see 143-144 by then. That would be 4-5 pounds in two weeks and hopefully not too much to ask for. I definitely want to be in the 130's by Valentine's Day.
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Postby GucciGoo » January 19th, 2007, 6:37 am

I did it! Not even a bite at the party! I brought a bunch of food and cakes home for DH, and did not even think about them!
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Postby bikipatra » January 19th, 2007, 6:48 am

DarkAndStormy wrote:I did it! Not even a bite at the party! I brought a bunch of food and cakes home for DH, and did not even think about them!

Well done! Congrats!!!! :) :) :)
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Postby GucciGoo » January 19th, 2007, 6:57 am

Thank you. It was really hard- I had to leave work and walk around Philly for a bit- then I talked to my husband for a bit to get some support. But I did it- that is all that matters.
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Postby GucciGoo » January 19th, 2007, 8:52 am

UGH- I am having an IBS attack from stupid coffee. I know I have belly issues, especially from coffee. Yet I continue to drink it a few times a week. 50% of the time I don't have a problem- but 50% of the time I do. That should be enough to keep me from drinking it. Duh.
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Postby Lucy » January 19th, 2007, 9:17 am

Good job on the not cheating...sorry about the coffee....THAT STINKS :lol: literally... had to make you smile!
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Postby GucciGoo » January 19th, 2007, 7:09 pm

Thanks Lucy!

Well, I came home from work early and did shop shipping with my Mom.

I have not weighed myself since Sunday, and do not plan on weighing again until the 28th. I need to see a big drop even if I am kinda fooling myself by not weighing in for 2 weeks.
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Postby dede4wd » January 19th, 2007, 9:57 pm

GREAT JOB at the party Beth! AND you brought extras home for the fam? WOW! That's some willpower! It's one thing to avoid it (great!) but a whole other level to cart some of it home! WOO HOO!

Sorry about the Coffee and IBS. I'm the same way. Diet Coke. Do I avoid it...not as much as I should!

Good idea not to get on the scale for a bit. I was just letting the scale control my moods too much! I'm going to weigh again Sunday (I hope not tomorrow!) We know we're doing the right thing, we know the weight is coming off, why let the scale dictate whether we're elated or depressed!

Great job, so happy for yoU!

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Postby GucciGoo » January 20th, 2007, 11:22 am


Today I got my hair cut and colored- and they had a beautiful display of fresh bagels and cookies, along with different cappuccinos.... And I did drool a bit, but I slurped my SmartWater and ate a MF granola bar.

Would I have LOVED a hot cappuccino and warm bagel when it is 20 degrees out? You bet! It really killed me to not even have a bite- so much that my teeth ached!
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Postby GucciGoo » January 20th, 2007, 11:23 am

One more thing... I am being SO good and SO under control- that I will just DIE if I do not lose by next weigh-in.
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Postby bikipatra » January 20th, 2007, 11:25 am

Good for you! You are having so many victories lately! Congrats! I love bagels, poppy seed toasted with cream cheese and a slice of tomato. Sounds weird but hits the spot!
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Postby Lucy » January 20th, 2007, 12:35 pm

OH Biki that sounds devine.......and WAY to stare down the cheats Stormy!

It feels good to do it doesn't it....I have done it in a big way twice this week, I think my next stop will be the ice cream stop with hubby and kids, I like the feeling knowing I really do control the food not the other way around!
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