by Lauren » February 29th, 2008, 12:29 pm
Ugh, hate that stuff.
So, in all the trials and tribulations during your food and dieting journey, which foods have you truly isolated to be "safe" from causing you gastro issues? I know you've referred to carbs, I think pastas and such, and maybe breads, as not causing problems...are you able to make a legitimate list of foods that you know for sure do not cause distress? And are there any proteins in that list as well - whether they're fish, chicken, tofu, eggs, beans, nuts, etc.? What about anything in the fruit or veggie land?
This would be my suggestion, but obviously I'm not a doc:
Make separate lists for each food category, a list for carbs/grains, a list for fruits/veggies, a list for proteins, and a list for fats - the lists only containing those items which you can more easily digest. Then work out a food plan containing items from each of the safe lists (this will likely work out to be more like Weight Watchers-type eating - old school WW, not their points stuff from recent years). Create a plan that still falls within the 1000-1200 calorie a day eating, and stick to it, trying to have the highest percentage of intake in fruits/veggies, then protein, then carbs, then a bit of fats. That's my opinion, take from it what you will, or leave it all behind! :-)