by Lauren » February 11th, 2008, 7:33 am
Dude, that llama is so freakin' cute!
Ya know, Beth, I was thinking about what you wrote regarding your inspiration photo (which, yes, you look hot in!). You said you felt fat even then, right? We can all see you most certainly were not fat, then, so how do you approach this weight loss phase differently, so that you can sort of "love the skin you're in?" You know? I am not being particularly articulate, sorry! I guess what I'm asking is, what have you changed in the brain part to love and accept yourself more when you get to these healthy weights?
I totally don't mean to be all zen crunchy love-child on ya! :-) I just think that you've been down this road before with us, and wouldn't it be cool if we could smoothly pave it this time around, instead of having such a bumpy ride? You obviously have terrible health issues that make this process suck (and I am sorry for you on that front!!), but while you're working on fixing that stuff with the docs, perhaps there's a way to shift a little on the mental front too. Just a thought.
You are a knockout, Beth, and you don't want to get too hung up on some ideal weight that isn't necessarily appropriate for you. Instead, figure out something that will make you feel pretty, while also being manageable, sustainable, and where you can still enjoy life!
Whew. Didn't know I had so much to say! Sorry!
Glad to see ya back,