DogMa wrote:DarkAndStormy wrote:I know my GI doctor is not a big advocate of Medifast (he has seen too many people get the euphoria of losing weight fast, just to go back to eating crap and gaining everything back), but we'll talk about it.
I just got an e-mail at work from one of the local hospitals about bariatric surgery and how many patients are returning for a second operation because they've gained weight since the first one.
I resemble those remarks. The thing for me was that I didn't change my habits and didn't use the tools.
I'm still under my original weight after losing post surgery, so thats a good thing. I still have the same issues, but I am grateful for TSFL... its taught me new ways to tackle those issues and keep me from going back to old habits like I did.
Don't treat MF as a diet, treat it as a lifestyle change, and you will do much better. Most people who do "diets" will lose and then regain (85%). The people who make lifestyle changes are much more successful.
Glad you are rethinking things Beth. We wish you the best on your decision... and hope your tummy deals with things better.