Gucci-Goo aka Dark & Stormy

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Postby Karli » February 11th, 2007, 9:10 am

Well, what you have just described is a type of plateau, too. But, it's more mental. Basically, we get to pick which kind we will have. I know you will get through this because when it comes down to it, what choice do we really have but to just keep moving forward ?

Hang in there, Beth, you can do this :).
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Postby bikipatra » February 11th, 2007, 10:27 am

DarkAndStormy wrote:Well, I have been eating like a champ all week because I am depressed and miserable. I don't know why. I am just in a really bad mood that I can't shake. It started when I hit the plateau and I got so upset that I just started eating. So I am sure I gained some back. I don't even care at this point.

It's the same thing over and over, I lose 5 pounds, then plateau, then get pissed and eat crap. I gain the 5 pounds back and start all over.

It's a wonderful life. I am just not strong enough to wait for the plateau to break.

To be honest, there are times I envy you. When I was at your weight I was still rather hot and made use of it rather often. I also envy your eating. Because my husband is a vegetarian and keeps all the really good stuff locked up, my big slips have been limited to bowls of cereal and jam sandwiches. All I can say, is that you don't always act like losing this weight is the most important thing for you. I think when it is, you will do it. I know you can and will.
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » February 11th, 2007, 12:04 pm

All I can say, is that you don't always act like losing this weight is the most important thing for you. I think when it is, you will do it. I know you can and will.

I agree with Biki. When you are ready, you will do it Beth.

I seem to be in the same struggle. I've been in the plateau for so long, and at first, it was because my body was just not wanting to give up the fat. Then I got depressed because I was not seeing the scale move, no matter how compiant I was. So that gave me an excuse to cheat here and there. My weightloss all of a sudden took a backseat. The most difficult part of it all is not the eating part, it's the mindset. Making up our minds to do this is the 99% of the work. When we have that part licked, and say "okay, I am going to do this no matter what".... then the 1% is very easy.

Just stay positive Beth, and really decide what you want. I am with you, girl, Dealing with my own 99%. Let's keep shakin, okay. :stroll:

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Postby GucciGoo » February 12th, 2007, 5:01 am

I just have a very busy lifestyle and am feeling very overwhelmed right now. It is NOT that losing weight is not important. I feel very flustered and out of control with my life, have zero time to myself, and get depressed a lot lately. The only thing I can control is eating. I have cookies because I CAN have cookies and no one can tell me not to.

That is the only thing I can decide for myself right now. I hate this.
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Postby bikipatra » February 12th, 2007, 5:20 am

Have you thought about seeing someone for your depression? I am worried about you.
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Postby Elizabeth » February 12th, 2007, 7:30 am

Beth, you have the absolute hardest job right now...being the mother of a young child, having to keep up the home and working a job 40 plus hours per week. I sure hope you figure out some things that you can elimate and structure your life to something that is doable. I know its hard, but is there anything you can do to make things a little less stressful for you? Can you delegate at work? How about having someone help you with taking care of your home? Anything easier with the child care that you can think of? Does your husband help with 1/2 of everything since you also work? Can you eliminate anything? How about making a list of priorities on paper and then re-think. I hope you don't mind me getting so personal, but I feel for you. Please be gentle with yourself. You'll figure it out and get through this rough period...((((hugs)))).
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Postby GucciGoo » February 12th, 2007, 9:31 am

Thanks for understanding, Elizabeth. We have someone who cleans our house every two weeks, so that helps. My husband is wonderful and does a lot around the house. He gets the baby ready for daycare and takes him in the mornings, and then helps me out when he comes home at 7:00. He also does all the dishes at the end of the day.

My day is usually like this:

4:45 Wake up
5:30 Leave for Work
2:30 either stay and do an hour or two of overtime or go to the gym
4:30-5:00 pick up the baby from daycare
5:15 get home, feed baby, play with him and give him as much attention as possible
5:45 make dinner, change clothes, put baby down to nap
7:00 hubby gets home-eat dinner
7:30 shower and dry hair, get work clothes ready, do laundry if necessary
9:00 bed and watch some TV until 9:30-10:00 (if I go to bed any later than this I don't get enough sleep)

I just don't see what can give right now. Sometimes I just shower every other day instead of every day so I can have time to go on the internet, read a book, just relax with my family. Sometimes I leave work early just to run errands so I can relax that night, if I am really tired. Sometimes I end up ordering dinner if I am too tired to cook my L&G which is a big problem.

There are just not enough hours in the day. And even if there were I would probably spend them sleeping.

I wish I could work part time, but I can't afford it right now.
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Postby Taangrl21 » February 12th, 2007, 9:42 am

I want this to come out the right bare with me. I have known people who have lived the way your living, which you are right.It never seems like there is enough time.Would money be any different or would there ever be a way that if you worked part time you could save from having to pay for daycare? I have known people who pay alot for daycare.I know its always easier said then done...but just wondering if that could be an option for you?
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Postby cynben » February 12th, 2007, 9:45 am

Beth- Having a career and a job are struggles that most women of today deal with. I was a single mom, so that made it even harder.

One thing that you might try is this. Every Sunday, I cook a package of chicken breasts and put them in baggies in the fridge. Every night when I get home (my son is grown, but I still don't seem to have any down time)...I just put a piece into the microwave to heat it up and make a quick salad. I know it's not much variety during the week, but it certainly does save time when you get home late and are starving to death.

Try to enjoy your time with your little one...the years will go by fast and you will regret not lingering in every moment.

Just my two cents. Hang in there :)
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Postby GucciGoo » February 12th, 2007, 6:25 pm

Well I made it through one whole day on plan. AND I went to the gym. So it's a start.
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Postby GucciGoo » February 12th, 2007, 6:43 pm

Thanks Cindy. I may just start doing that to have more time after work. Very good idea!
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Postby MerryMary » February 12th, 2007, 7:33 pm

DarkAndStormy wrote:The only thing I can control is eating. I have cookies because I CAN have cookies and no one can tell me not to.
That is the only thing I can decide for myself right now. I hate this.

Hi Beth,
I agree with Biki about the depression ... I've suffered from it too. I hope this is not taken wrong because I am really only sharing from my personal experience. One thing I learned is that depression is really anger directed inward. When I chose to supress my anger I often sabatoged my weight loss efforts by indulging in something unhealthy (anger directed inward).

Sounds like you may be doing that too when you "choose" to indulge in those cookies. Remember, Beth -- you maintain control when you "choose" NOT to have the cookies too!

Hang in there ... You are a mommy with a tremendously difficult life--and you have a tremendously beautiful child to be healthy for!

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Postby bikipatra » February 13th, 2007, 3:04 am

DarkAndStormy wrote:Well I made it through one whole day on plan. AND I went to the gym. So it's a start.

Good for you!!! I am proud of you! :D
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Postby cynben » February 13th, 2007, 7:51 am

Atta girl!
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Postby GucciGoo » February 13th, 2007, 6:07 pm


    I strained my clavicle muscles and neck at the gym
    I have a yucky big cold sore
    I got my period
    It is icy and snowy outside
    My DVD player in my bedroom just broke

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