Grumble Grumble......

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Grumble Grumble......

Postby ljm498 » April 7th, 2005, 9:29 am

......that would be the sound of my stomach. Well, and me complaining I suppose. ;) I'm getting annoyed that my hunger is still hanging around a bit and I just can't figure out why! :x I've had a few days that there was no hunger and some that have it. What gives? I'm following MF to the letter, water and all. As far as I can tell. Let me list my day..

6:30 shake plus 16oz of water. I also take a multi-vitamin and a b100 complex vitamin. And for the past 2 days a zantac for hopefully getting rid of any stomach acid that may be causing the feeling of hunger.

9:30 Bar plus 16 oz of water

12:00 soup or oatmeal plus 16oz of water. Sometimes a dill pickle thrown in there.

2:30 shake plus 16oz of water

5:00 lean and green plus 16 oz of water

7:00 shake plus 16oz of water

Now thrown in there at various times of the day would be my 3 stalks of celery as well. I don't have it every day though.

Can anyone see anything I'm doing wrong? It seems as though I'm right on track but yet there's hunger. grrrrrrrrrr

Oh, one thought I had is maybe I'm more sensitive to the bars and it's keeping me from ketosis? Possible? I don't seem to be having issues with weight not coming off (so far). It's just the little bit of hunger. Funny thing is though, even though there's hunger, I'm not "craving" any particular foods. So that's good.

Anyone have any ideas?

Thanks!!!!! :)

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Postby Helen » April 7th, 2005, 10:12 am

everything sounds right to me. try some boiulion at times. i am on the complete fast but have been doing it for almost 2 months now and sometimes i go through periods where i am so hungry and other days im not. then i realize im not REALLY hungry because we all know what real hunger feels like when we used to eat the way we used to, it wasnt only our tummys that went grumble grumble but our bodies would go into convulsions hahahaha. trust that this will pass. drink a diet soda if you must. some people are senstive to the bars. only 1 a day but can slow some peoples weight loss. and for others it triggers hunger and cravings. i make it a rule to only have a bar on workout days. and some people just dont eat them all together. i still go through what youre going through at times but we can do it! YOU CAN DO IT AND STICK WITH IT. make sure youre having 7oz of lean meat due to the change in rules.
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Postby ljm498 » April 7th, 2005, 10:40 am

Thanks for your advice! I think for next month I'm going to not do the bars and we will see if that helps. Right now, thankfully I'm feeling pretty strong as far as sticking to this so straying isn't even an option. But this is truly "real" hunger. My stomach is actually growling at times. But the funny thing is it's not making me run to the fridge. I just had my bowl of soup pickle and water and and fine now thankfully. I mean, it's not like I'm famished or anything. I'm sure this will pass with time though.

Thanks so much for your help!

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Postby doglover » April 7th, 2005, 11:02 am

I do have hunger as well and I think other people have said the same thing. Now there are some days that I am not hungry but I would say 4-5 of the 7 days I do suffer w/ hunger. Now, I am not starving, but do get hungry and tummy rumbles. I am not craving anything but do get hungry.

I know that doesn't help, but you are not alone!
I try to drink more water and take a diet pepsi to help!
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Postby raederle » April 7th, 2005, 11:38 am

I'm with you, Donna-- I have the same experience. Much of the time I am not hungry, but many days I am... I take antacids sometimes (which seem to help on occasion but not always), drink water, have tea if I just can't stand it... But usually, I just put it out of my mind and move on. I actually appreciate the hunger, in a weird way, because I so often ate when I wasn't hungry at all-- it's as if I'm learning what it's like to recognize real hunger versus head hunger, so the real hunger is comforting, perversely.

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Postby 24KaratGold » April 7th, 2005, 11:52 am

And don't forget that Nancy has said that if you are really hungry you should go ahead and have another shake. That is especially true in the earlier part of the program, until your body has adjusted.

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Postby ljm498 » April 7th, 2005, 1:05 pm

It's good to hear that I'm not alone and that it's pretty common. Actually, I have to agree, in a weird way, feeling the hunger is almost a good feeling in a sense that it wasn't often, if ever, I felt it before and know I don't have to go running for food when it hits. Hey, as long as the flabbage goes, I'm tickled.

Thanks for all of your helpful tips and advice. I can see that this board is going to be a life saver for me thanks to all of you wonderful people! :)

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Postby dlr2424 » April 7th, 2005, 1:16 pm

raederle wrote: I actually appreciate the hunger, in a weird way, because I so often ate when I wasn't hungry at all-- it's as if I'm learning what it's like to recognize real hunger versus head hunger, so the real hunger is comforting, perversely.

Rae...there are so many things that you say that I relate to so well...there as if they were my own thoughts.....from comments you have made regarding your you see yourself....& on & on...this comment about hunger hit home because there have been many times (when not on a diet of course) when I was never hungry.. :no: .....never...and the reason was I never gave my stomach a chance to be hungry...I was always picking on something....... I never truly appreciated & savored & enjoyed my food like I do now..... :eat:

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Postby raederle » April 7th, 2005, 1:40 pm

Your posts always make me smile, Donna... :D

I know what you mean about appreciating your food.. I can't believe how good a bag of baby carrots can taste! I actually taste every one of those little orange puppies, instead of shoveling them all in my mouth without thinking. And now that I'm having some blueberries and some grains while transitioning, I gotta tell ya-- I never realized how delish a silly little berry or oat flake could be! I feel like I've "reset" my ability to taste food and be satisfied with reasonable quanities.

I hope it's encouraging to everyone in the weight loss phase that I really do feel that MF taught me valuable lessons about portion sizing-- I measure everything carefully, and find that when I eat a "serving" of something, it really does fill me up and give me enough food, even if it looked as though it'd never be enough... I mean, now that I know what a half cup of blueberries looks like, it's no wonder I got fat eating a "half cup" of ice cream, and a "serving" of mashed potatoes... :lol: I was eating enough for 4 people at each meal! How can I blame my body or my metabolism for gaining weight?!?!! It was my eyes and brain that made me fat!!! :mrgreen: Now, by the time I finish my half cup of blueberries or oats, I think, hey, that actually *was* enough food-- and I'm glad I didn't dish out anymore.

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please help

Postby brucks » January 26th, 2006, 12:40 pm

I need someone to tell me their results on medifast. I'm starving and getting discouraged -please tell me it works!
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Postby falisamarie » January 26th, 2006, 12:44 pm


How long have you been on the program :?: :?: I felt hungry until about the 10th day then it got better. Also if you are using sugar free gum or mints or too much diet soda that can make your body feel that it is hungry.

Hope this helps a little


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Postby 24KaratGold » January 26th, 2006, 12:44 pm

It works! And it is SO worth it! Hang in there, for just today. You can do anything for a day. Worry about tomorrow tomorrow.

Go over to the Studio and look at the before and after pictures. My own pics show me when I started MFing, and after I had lost about 63 pounds. I've lost another 20 or so since then, and look even better than in that last pic.

Do this. I SO wish I could have done this when I was younger; it would have made such a difference in my life.

It works, I promise.

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Postby cynben » January 26th, 2006, 1:08 pm

I try to eat or drink something (besides water) every 2 hours, whether it be a shake or bouillon or green tea, just something to occupy my mouth, my stomach and my mind every two hours. I am never hungry.
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Postby Patti » January 26th, 2006, 1:15 pm

I am on day 18 and still feel I did some research on it. Do a search with the word will find a wealth of information on growing stomach and hunger. I am going to buy some Pepcid tomorrow and give that a try.

Good luck :D
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Postby MusicalMomma » January 26th, 2006, 1:16 pm

It's comforting to see that I am not the only one who feel hungry a lot of the time! I wondered why, on day 4-11, I was still feeling so hungry. I just decided that it WILL pass, some day. Some day, my stomach WILL adjust and it WILL pass. THEN, today my health advisor emailed me (she must have been reading my mind). Here is what she wrote...

"I just want to encourage you that overall the program gets easier the longer you do it. You will still fight days of a little hunger (I like to think the burner is just hard at work that day chewin' up the fat - which I will get to pee out very soon!), but if you can just work through those times (if and when they occur), you'll be purring along again quickly"

What a relief!! :)
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