6:30 shake plus 16oz of water. I also take a multi-vitamin and a b100 complex vitamin. And for the past 2 days a zantac for hopefully getting rid of any stomach acid that may be causing the feeling of hunger.
9:30 Bar plus 16 oz of water
12:00 soup or oatmeal plus 16oz of water. Sometimes a dill pickle thrown in there.
2:30 shake plus 16oz of water
5:00 lean and green plus 16 oz of water
7:00 shake plus 16oz of water
Now thrown in there at various times of the day would be my 3 stalks of celery as well. I don't have it every day though.
Can anyone see anything I'm doing wrong? It seems as though I'm right on track but yet there's hunger. grrrrrrrrrr
Oh, one thought I had is maybe I'm more sensitive to the bars and it's keeping me from ketosis? Possible? I don't seem to be having issues with weight not coming off (so far). It's just the little bit of hunger. Funny thing is though, even though there's hunger, I'm not "craving" any particular foods. So that's good.
Anyone have any ideas?