Sarya wrote:It's true that she doesn't sound like she was trying to be mean, but clearly she doesn't understand that she _is_ in fact, being mean or rude herself. You ask once, fine. Twice maybe.. but every few minutes??
Manly, from other posts I've seen of yours I think perhaps you get away with having less support than some of usI know for a fact how angry I get when I feel like people are constantly bringing up my diet or pushing me to "stop depriving myself". This is hard for me. I really like a lot of things that I cannot eat during the weightloss phase. I am an emotional eater. I eat for comfort. I eat for pms. I eat because it makes me feel quiet and satiated inside mentally as well as physically. Changing all of those head trips into something healthier is difficult. Women traditionally look towards their female friends for support and encouragement. When you feel like you are getting the opposite it hurts.. even when it is completely unintentional.
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