Growling Stomach

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Growling Stomach

Postby Nancy » January 9th, 2006, 10:45 am

Growling stomachs can certainly be a nuisance, not to mention embarrassing if it happens during a meeting (!) and they can make a person feel hungry when hunger may not actually be the true issue.

There can be several causes and we sometimes need to put our :3head: heads together to determine the cause!

It may be caused if you are eating or chewing sugar-free mints or gum – some artificial sweeteners can create a gnawing sensation; according to many people whom I have spoken with, diet pop can do it for them, too.

There are varying theories on the pop/diet pop issue -- some people say to avoid soft drinks because their phosphoric acid may promote calcium loss because phosphorus binds to the calcium in your stomach and prevents absorption of the calcium into your blood, and 2) high phosphorus in your blood draws calcium out of your bones.

When I searched recent medical articles and some textbooks for information, I found nothing in my research to support it.

:secret: I am not a doc so some of you have better medical backgrounds than I and may have research to back it up. If so, post it and then readers can draw their own conclusions.

Some growling is due to excess stomach acid.

When a person is on the weight loss program, the food volume is significantly reduced compared to what most people were eating before they went on the weight loss program and used our Medifast products.

Sometimes we have more stomach acid than is needed and it can be reduced or diluted by being sure that you are getting plenty of water and you may consider taking an antacid twice a day for a week to ten days and gradually decrease the dosage and then eventually eliminate the need for it.

The store shelves are filled with a variety of brand name and generic label antacids and nearly all OTC antacids contain ingredients that do a good job of neutralizing excess stomach acid. Tagamet™ Zantac™ and Pepcid™ actually help to slow down the production of stomach acid by 50-80%, which still allows plenty of that old HCL (hydrochloric acid, in case you forgot your high school chem. class info) to remain in your belly to deal with normal digestion.

I am not a physician so you should consult with your advice nurse or a pharmacist for the recommended number of pills for you.

The OTC versions are half the dosage of the Rx.

I used 10 mg Pepcid™ morning and night for several days and it helped reduce the growly-empty feeling in my stomach.

As a rule, health professionals tell people to use caffeine in moderation — :shock: uh, oh! Look out Starbucky’s - maybe no more than two or three cups of caffeine-containing drinks per day. Caffeine can make our stomach feel growly and our bod feel very jittery. :redhead: :jumprope: :smoke:

Hunger sensations can be a result of not eating your meal packets on time (Gulp! You better not be guilty of that, Kids! ;) Eat on time!)…are you going longer than three hours? :eat:

When we are in the fat-burning state, hunger goes away and some of the folks forget to eat on time – :coach: stick to the schedule! Eat every two – three hours! Try having your packets a little closer together.

Now there can be another issue going on and it can be more than a growling stomach but include cramps, gurgling, nausea and/or the dreaded DD (Diarrhea Dash).
If you are having random acts of poopage :puma: shortly after you have a shake or a packet, it is most likely a result of lactose intolerance (esp. if :puke: nausea is involved).

Being tired, stressed out or premenstrual can also contribute to similar symptoms if a person is also lactose intolerant.

To control these symptoms, taking a lactose enzyme for two to three week along with each Medifast shake or Medifast packet may help you so you can stay on the program and stay out of the bathroom all day.

We can take one to three regular strength Lactaid™ tablets with each packet; you may need to experiment with the dosage to suit your tummy. If you do well with two and then go with one and do the :runner: Dash again, go back to two. Some lactose intolerant people use Lactaid ™ for their whole program; others are able to wean themselves off after a week or two and then go without any more tablets.

Some products may be best to avoid like the Creamy Soups (Creamy Tomato or Creamy Chix Soup – although some lactose intolerant people can use the Creamy Broccoli with no symptoms), and Hot Cocoa.

Consider using the RTDs or the Medifast 70 shakes, as it has less dairy.

Hope that helps to answer some of your questions!
Be sure to drink plenty of wa-wa!
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Postby montana1963 » April 2nd, 2006, 9:26 am

this was soooo helpful thanx...
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