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Postby 5eh » January 22nd, 2006, 1:19 pm

Hello all,
I am 29 years old, female, 5'10. I started on Medifast last monday and have dropped 12 pounds (started at 327, down to 315). The only issues I've had so far is lethargy over the past couple days. I haven't been working out or doing anything strenuous, but my whole body feels like it weighs a ton. From what I hear, this is common during the first week and I should pick up some pep as time goes on.

I only slipped up once, that was today, I ate about 4oz of steak for lunch when I should have had a shake...not too bad, I know, but still!

I am looking forward to taking over how I've been eating, portion control, etc.
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Postby Ashes » January 22nd, 2006, 1:29 pm

Hi there! I understand where you are coming from with the lethargy. I have been on this for two weeks, with a couple days there where I was totally off. I have been faithfully on for a week straight so far since the slip up. I have moments where I feel full of energy and then there's moments where I feel like I could just sleep all day. I think its my bodys way of adjusting.

Congradulations on the first 12 pounds!

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Postby falisamarie » January 22nd, 2006, 2:56 pm


You can have 5oz of beef with your lean and green so maybe it was not a slip up just consider it your meat portion for the day. :mrgreen:

I know you are suppose to have the lean and green together but I don't think your slip will efffect you much

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Postby cydj21 » January 22nd, 2006, 3:45 pm

Feeling lethargic is definitely part of the least initially. Today is day 8 for me, and honestly I cannot believe how quickly time is passing. Days 2-4 were roughest for me. I was tired, cold, cranky, you name it. Yesterday I sat right here in the house while my fiance baked chocolate-chocolate chip cookies for a bake sale, ate a sugar free JellO and felt great.

Stick with it and you will only continue to see more success. Congratulations on your first 12 pounds! You are well on your way to Thinsville! :D
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Postby Susynne » January 22nd, 2006, 3:57 pm

WELCOME! Glad to see yet another newbie... :D

Yeah, I was riding the energy rollercoaster too... :| I think Nancy or someone said a cup of boullion wil help, the salt. DRINK your water!!, believe it or not it works!!! Water is such a wonderful thing!!!! And make certain you space well, no more than three hours between MF meals.
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