My internist has been concerned the last few years as my blood pressure and my fasting blood glucose levels slowly began to rise...after losing my first 20 pounds I was able to go off of my blood pressure meds...and today I ran the blood test he has wanted me to run for 6 months now. The test that shows how your body has handled glucose for the prior 90 days. When I saw him 2 months ago, he wanted me to run it then. I told him I needed to at last be on my Medifast longer before running it. He gave in and told me to have it done before I see him in August. Since I see him Monday, I had my blood drawn and got the GREAT news that it is normal!!! That I am NOT prediabetic. My fasting glucose has dropped from 130 to 111....everything is getting better thanks to Medifast and you guys!!! Hope everyone is doing well...Lisa