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Postby martha » August 8th, 2005, 9:41 am

Hi everyone..

I have been reading Linda Spangle's book "Life Is Hard Food Is Easy".. It is about the 5 step plan to Overcome Emotional Eating and Lose Weight on Any Diet.. Now you all know Linda as the author of the Sucess In A Shaker Jar book which is very good in it's own but this book is GREAT!!!!! It talks all about emotional eating and how to get control over it.. Touches on Subjects like : 1) what's going on 2) what do I feel?) 3) What do I need? 4) what's in my way 5) what will I do.. one of the inserts says " This is not a book about compulsive eating or all-night binges..It's for "normal" people who raid the refrigerator after a tough day and in ten minutes, undo an entire week's worth of careful eating..But rather than suggesting you eat low-fat foods on a mid-night snack run , it helps you figure out why you were standing in front of the refrigerator in the first place.." It is feeled with tips and tricks you can use everyday .. it helps you with a whole lot more dealing with your emotions and the trap of using food as an easy solution..I found mine on ebay but she also has them herself at Amazon and they are signed for 10.00.. now in the store they sell for 19.95..
This is one of the best books around addressing these issues I have seen and I have seen plenty in my battle with my weight issues.. Just thought I would share..I know some people have talked about it before but I am reading it now and enjoying it..I know NANCY has mentioned it herself.. Hope it helps some of you as it is helping Doug and I..Martha
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Postby Sablebaby » August 8th, 2005, 12:49 pm

Thanks for the great description. I recently heard of this book. But is it also good for those of us who aren't "normal" ? :shock: LOL For those who are complusive overeaters and binge eaters? I have never ever been a normal eater. Thanks!

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Postby tumbleweed » August 9th, 2005, 6:47 am

Hi Martha! I agree thats a great book!

It has helped me so much! :D
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Postby FitQueen » August 28th, 2005, 12:27 pm

Thanks for this information. I need a book like this.
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Postby Nancy » August 28th, 2005, 2:56 pm

It is superb and so is Linda.

I highly encourage people with foody issues to read it. And read it again.
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Postby Mommy2girls » August 31st, 2005, 9:10 pm

I ordered this book in late July and STILL haven't gotten it from Amazon. DH ordered a book too and they finally sent us something saying that it would ship late Sept. or early Oct. and was that okay? Yeah, we want the books but they didn't explain why it would take so long. Grrrr.

Trying to patiently wait here....

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Postby Nancy » August 31st, 2005, 11:03 pm

Sheila ~

The reason it is on back order is because it is a great book - I have been recommending it for over two years and as more people read our MakeMeThinner Support Forum and hear about it, they want it!

Just think - you will receive a precious package in the mail and will enjoy it when you get it.
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Postby BerkshireGrl » September 1st, 2005, 4:47 pm

Mommy2girls wrote:I ordered this book in late July and STILL haven't gotten it from Amazon. DH ordered a book too and they finally sent us something saying that it would ship late Sept. or early Oct. and was that okay? Yeah, we want the books but they didn't explain why it would take so long. Grrrr. Trying to patiently wait here....

I might try half dot com, where you can get a new hardcover of it for $9 - even cheaper than the paperback! - and upgrade the shipping from Media Mail to First Class, and you'll get it quite a bit sooner ;) That's the current listings available anyway... from a seller called "sroychoudhury".

I find that site good for great deals! Happy searching!
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Postby Lisa in NY » September 1st, 2005, 5:54 pm

Please don't forget to try your local library - that's where I found it !
People seem to forget about the many treasures that can be found at the local library !

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Postby 24KaratGold » September 1st, 2005, 6:01 pm

There are at least two copies of this book for sale on ebay right now.

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Postby BerkshireGrl » September 1st, 2005, 6:42 pm

Lisa in NY wrote:Please don't forget to try your local library - that's where I found it! People seem to forget about the many treasures that can be found at the local library!


Of course this is a WONDERFUL idea too! :) I love libraries... grew up in my local town one practically... and my schools'.

Ah, the wonderous shelves of books, the grumblings of old steam radiators, and a bunned librarian with eyeglasses on a beaded chain... :lol:
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Postby aimalasplace » September 3rd, 2005, 2:13 am

I just got my book last week (from Amazon) and it was signed by Linda
I took only 4 days....I can't understand why it's taking so long for you. Did you go through her on Amazon- it was $10 hardcover in the New&Used section. She signs each copy too.
I have just started to read it but I can't get past the what I am feeling that makes me wanna eat. I think it's going to take alot for me to get over this...
Libraries are the best! I grew up in one just about. Since I moved I haven't even been to my local one. My old home town has the most beautiful library and it has a dome ceiling with paiting on it. Alot of weddings have their pictures are taken there too. Lots of fond memories in that place :)
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Postby Mommy2girls » September 3rd, 2005, 5:16 pm

Ahhhh, I LOVE the library, in fact we take the kids weekly (which means not a lot of time for the stuff I want to look at :? ) but it could certainly be done!

However, I got tired of waiting for Amazon, and bought it at Borders. It was more expensive but I was sick of waiting. The copy I had ordered at Amazon was the paperback (I believe) and it made no mention of a signed copy. It was running a tad over $10, NEW, and at Borders I think I paid the book price which was $14.95...oh well, at least I have it now and can start reading.

I did not realize that she resides in Colorado and holds her masters from my alma mater University of N. Colorado. COOL!

I've only read a few pages but this is going to be a book that I would want to keep and re-read (sort of counts out the library, but thank you for the reminder!!!)

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