GOTTA do it!

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GOTTA do it!

Postby Meowgal » October 13th, 2005, 8:09 am

A couple of years ago, I did this and lost about 15 lbs before falling off the diet wagon. I did South Beach last year and lost over 30 lbs. I have gained 15 of that back :( Anyway, I have an event in a few weeks and went to try on my clothes for it and guess what? IT DID NOT FIT...and I dug out the last box of Medifast from my earlier go, and REALLY want to do this. I am on anti-depressents and know this makes it harder for me to lose, but I AM SO DETERMINED. Why be fat? I know that the quick fix of a food isn't the answer. But I'm weak. NOT having choices makes it easier for me. So, I also just ordered the month's supply. I can do this!

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Postby Unca_Tim » October 13th, 2005, 9:08 am

Hi Carolyn,

Congrats on your decision to make a change again.

With the help of all the good people here on the forum, this time you will succeed...:)
"Failure is a choice"
~From a dream~
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Postby DonicaB » October 13th, 2005, 9:41 am

Carolyn~~I'm weak, too. But I heard somewhere that 2 weaks equal a strong. You already know this works, and you already know (as I do) that you have to stick to it. :toast:

We can do this, Carolyn. Together with all the wonderful people on this forum, we can meet our goal. I'm right here with you :stroll: and looking forward to sharing in each other's success.

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