Got a waistline, not seen in 5 years!!!!!

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Got a waistline, not seen in 5 years!!!!!

Postby Nite Izes » January 22nd, 2005, 9:22 am

I wrote this on my Misssion thread, but had to write it here too because I am excited after my discovering this morning. I just want to say, although my weight loss may seem slow for 3 weeks, my body shape is getting smaller and more defined. Doc told me that although I see my weight loss as slow, I am right on track for my situation. Doc told me 40 lbs is too extreme weight loss for me, but I am sticking to that number whether I make that goal or not. For me, it is a focal point and help me to just stay focus that I can do it.

Today, I noticed I have a waist line curve that goes inward to my body, letting me know that my upper torso and hips are really two different areas. My tummy is going down nicely as well. Oh, yeah, an hourglass shape should be on me in the very near future!!!!!! Now for those hipbones to make a grand entrance, i am waiting :byebye:
start date: 3/27/04
BMI=55.4 New BMI= 38.0
WT Loss= -95/-77
√ 1st goal= 250 BMI= 45.7
√ 2nd goal=219 BMI= 39.9
3rd goal = 191 BMI= 34.9
4th goal = 163 BMI= 29.8
5th goal = 140 BMI= 25.6
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Postby raederle » January 22nd, 2005, 7:35 pm

Congrats, Nite Izes!!!! It must be so exciting to see the difference both on the scale and on your bod-- that way you know that number on the scale ain't foolin' ya. You *are* skinnier!!!! Those hipbones will be in sight soon, I'm sure-- just keep doin' what you're doin'!

High weight = 180
Reached goal (125) 3/27/05
New goal: 130
I'll reach it again, one day at a time
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Postby Nancy » February 8th, 2005, 8:13 pm

Nite ~

How wonderul for you to begin to see and feel the physical differences in your body. Sometimes it takes a while before it is noticable. I know that I felt so much better within just a few weeks of Medifasting and Oh how I wanted to SEE the differences.

As you continue with your program, you will delight to see the changes in your body. You are doing such a good job, Nite. This has not been an easy process but it is truly rewarding. Your health issues are responding favorably and I understand about how you must take that into consideration as I, too deal with my own auto-immune situation.

Way to go! The new YOU is emerging!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
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Postby Karen » February 9th, 2005, 5:56 am

I don't really see a big difference in myself yet but when my hubby gives me a hug, he calls me "bones". hahahaha I am still over 240 pounds!!!! but I LOVE IT! Actually, I can "feel" the difference, more than see it.
5'3 50 y/o Married
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Postby Nancy » February 9th, 2005, 9:22 pm

Dear Bones ~

Ya got yerself a really good husband there! Love it!

Isn't this the best thing to have him 'measuring' you and giving you that cute new nickname?

Nothing tastes as good and makes ya feel as good deep down in your heart of hearts as being called 'Bones.' Remember that when Joanie tries to ply you with pies...
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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