As most of you probably know I had a weak day yesterday. However, I got very angry with myself and wanted to share with you guys what I told myself in the midst of the cravings When I had finally had it with feeling sorry for myself I told myself "look Lisa, you can have anything you want to eat and you can eat as much of it as you want but if you do then you are accepting the fact that you will have to go back to day 1 and do the first 3days all over again not to mention taking the chance of gaining a pound or two." When I looked at it that way, that I could have anything I wanted that no one was stopping me from stuffing my face but me I realized that I am not depriving myself I am chosing to eat this way so that in the end I will be much happier and healthier and feel much better than any binge could ever make me feel!!!!!!!!! I have been there and done that eaten everything in sight whenever I wanted and all it gave back to me was 130lbs of extra flabbage!!!!
I hope this helps someone the next time they are down on themselves or feeling deprived
Keep shaking and keep posting we can do this together
I love you guys