I Got My package today..WooHoo

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I Got My package today..WooHoo

Postby xalisax » June 28th, 2005, 2:38 pm

Hi everyone. I got my starter kit today. It came so fast. I just ordered on Friday and here it is Tuesday and it arrived today. I live in Maryland though and that is where they ship from so I think I'm gonna be lucky that way. Well here I go! I will kick off this process tomorrow morning. I will hopefully be posting smaller numbers on my ticker very soon. Here I am today trying to think of anything and everything that I could possibly crave while I'm on the diet so I can eat it now...haha. I made sugar cookies last night just to get them out of the cabinet. I know once I start those will be calling my name even though normally I wouldn't even pay any attention to them. I'm drinking regular pepsi right now because I will want it so bad later. I hate the taste of diet soda. I think I would rather drink water than that. Well wish me luck and I wish each and every one of you luck also. It seems a lot of us are starting this process around the same time. Take Care Everyone! I"M Determined to do it this time!!!!
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Postby dlr2424 » June 28th, 2005, 2:51 pm

Alisa....... :D .......good thing you would rather drink water than diet soda..... :D .......cause you'll be drinking plenty.......... :water: ..........it's funny how we eat everything we can think of to get it out of our system.....the "our last meal syndrome"...........I've had so many last meals......... :roll: .........anyway good luck tomorrow.......follow the plan and you will be posting smaller numbers on your ticker....... :mrgreen: .......

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Postby Emma » June 28th, 2005, 3:01 pm

Congrats on starting MF Alisa! Welcome!!

You're are on your way to Thinville - you'll be amazed at how good you're going to feel on this program. I've been at it for 6 weeks and still am so excited about it!

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Postby want2Bthin » June 28th, 2005, 3:22 pm


You will do great on MF. It get's easier & easier with every passing day. Actually after a while it becomes second nature. I can't imagine not doing MF now.

Let us know how tomorrow goes. Don't forget to utilize the legal snacks.

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Postby sasafraz » June 28th, 2005, 4:47 pm

Hi Alisa-

Welcome! :D I am just finishing up my second day. It sounds like you have prepared yourself. Have you tried diet sodas made with Splenda? They do taste a little more like the real thing, might be worth a shot. Good luck on your first day, YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :thumbup:
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Postby Sablebaby » June 28th, 2005, 6:06 pm


:whoohoo: Your package came!! How exciting. :bouncieball: Now you can start your new MF life! :goodluck:
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Postby Alisha » June 29th, 2005, 8:19 am

Hi Alisa! I know EXACTLY the excitement you feel because I got my package yesterday as well! We were having a terrible thunderstorm so I just sat with my cats and read through everything, my stomach filled with anxious butterflies! :)

You and I are starting on the same day and I think Sazafraz started yesterday. Maybe we can all keep each other in check :)

I'm so excited to do this. I actually have confidence that it will work and I'm willing to put in the effort. I've had my second shake of the day (yummy!) and it just seems easy peasy!

Welcome aboard the bullet train to slimness and health!

All the very best.

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Postby 24KaratGold » June 29th, 2005, 8:34 am

Good luck, Alisa and Alisha. This is SO worth your time, money, and effort! Persevere through those first three or four days, and you will be so pleased!

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Postby dlr2424 » June 29th, 2005, 12:05 pm

So proud of you guys....... :thumbup: .....you are going to do awesome...... :yeah: .....keep on the straight & narrow and you will be thinning in no time....... :drive: ......

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Postby Alisha » June 30th, 2005, 6:51 am

Thanks Donna and everyone for the support! I appreciate it a lot! :hug:

I'm currently going strong on day 2 with 2lbs gone, but I must confess that I've had a headache since yesterday. All those toxins waving goodbye on their way out I guess. :wavie: We reap what we sow and this just serves as a reminder for me as to what happens when we fill our bodies with junk. :bib:

I'm so happy that I found this diet and such wonderful support. Thanks again and here's to you all. :toast: Shake, rattle and drink!

All the very best.

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Postby 24KaratGold » June 30th, 2005, 7:45 am

Take an Advil or something, Alisha. I often suggest people just starting the program do that every morning prophylactically, to try to avoid the headache. Hang in there for these first few days; the crappy feeling will go away, and you will feel terrific. Good luck again on this journey!

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How easy am I?????

Postby Pati2400 » June 30th, 2005, 5:17 pm

Ok, you guys say "GET MF", I get 2 Boxes of MF Stuff yesterday. (I 'm staring at it wondering if to start after the 4th or start tomorrow.....) You guys say "GET A BULLET!---off I go and find one lonely bullet in Walgreens ---(I'm staring at that too wondering if I start with my MF stuff and bullet at the same time). Seems you guys have a heck of alot of influence over me....LOL.
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Postby LessOfMe » June 30th, 2005, 5:41 pm

Pati... That's a difficult question. Hopefully one of the more experienced MF "sisters or brothers" will be able to provide some wisdom. Everyone is different in what will bring motivation. I do know that you will feel so much better once you have experienced the increase in energy and the hope of a healthier life after you begin to lose that excess poundage. Whatever you choose, those on this forum will be there to support you all the way! Welcome to the "family!" :goteam:
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Postby 24KaratGold » June 30th, 2005, 5:47 pm

Pati, it's really up to you, and how you feel about it. Do you have 4th of July plans for barbeque and such that you might want to enjoy, or would it be good to have three days off from whatever your regular schedule is to adjust to the MF way of life?

Me, I started on January 3, after the holiday, and while I didn't "binge" I did have some of my favorite foods that I knew it would be awhile before I had again (lasagne!). I guess it depends on whether you will feel resentful at missing anything over the holiday weekend, or if you are gung ho to get started RIGHT NOW! If you're going to be the former, then just wait -- don't want to set up bad feelings from the get-go, but if you are excited and ready to go, well then, why wait?

Good luck!

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Postby Pati2400 » June 30th, 2005, 6:25 pm

Thanks Ladies---I know I will have to deal with family gatherings and holidays and other special events throughout the next few months. Actually, one more day of being like this is rediculous when I have new tools and hope and time to experiment witht he foods and shakes. Its kind of exciting starting out with others that have been there or are starting out with me. I guess what floors me is that I'm scared to start because I know I have had a hard time staying committed in the past. The three days or so of feeling off kilter might be better done at home over the next couple of days rather than when I start back to work next week.
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