by Diana » June 18th, 2006, 12:19 am
I take flax seed oil every day as a capsule, but I count it as a condiment since there are, in fact, calories in it. (Hey, it's FAT!) Havin' some hair and skin issues and the flax seed and biotin are helping (as is having my own hair goddess: SharonR).
As for the fiber, I'm finding that I do just fine with the veggies. They are where fiber comes from (well, ok, and grains, but there are lots of veggies that have plenty o' fiber).
Unca?? Maybe I just don't read well online, but I can't find it either. Although I really, really like the new guide!! I can't wait to get my hands on a hardcopy and mark it up and tag pages! (I don't want to print it out, I want a REAL hardcopy.)
Here's to our mutual success!
