Got Challenges?

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Got Challenges?

Postby Nancy » May 17th, 2007, 9:38 am

:wavie: Hey People ~

If you get a chance sometime this week, I strongly urge you to listen to the playback of my Maintenance Support Call with my guest and all-around :kool: cool MMT guy Brian Goldbard.

Weight loss is a process and our program is not a :twisted: diet – a diet is something a person goes ‘on’ and goes ‘off’ of – our focus is on helping people create health; ours is a healthy lifestyle program including three phases: weight loss, transition, maintenance.

While the intent of the Maintenance Support Call is to assist those who are nearing transition and approaching maintenance or on maintenance, we share information and tips that are useful for people in all stages of the Take Shape Program.

There are many things to be said about the :x struggles that overweight people face – our weight affects every aspect of our lives – :weightlift: physical, :brickwall: psychological, :tears: emotional, spiritual, :toast: social, :3head: occupational and :oops: yep, even the :redhead: sexual areas of our lives…

During the portion where Brian talked about his weight loss journey, he mentioned that his weight interfered with his job – his talents and skills were overlooked because of his weight.

Those of us who are ‘of size’ are aware of fat prejudices. :nonono:

There was not enough time on the call for us to develop that topic but I know that many of our readers have also experienced the :oops: embarrassment, :dohdoh: insult and :bricks: trauma of being :eyecrazy: overlooked, ostracized or :poke: harassed because of their weight.

Brian mentioned that now he’s nearing goal, advancement opportunities in his workplace have improved. :puter:

Losing weight is not particularly easy but being overweight is not easy either.

Before I started on the weight loss phase, I made two advantage lists.

On my list of all the Advantages of Being Fluffy there were but several items:

Can eat whatever I want and as much as I want.

Don’t have to participate on church baseball team. (no one ever asked me to)

Don’t have to participate in college fashion show. (no one ever asked me to)

Don’t get hit on.

There were tons of things on the Advantages of Being Thinner list.

If you are struggling with your weight loss journey, I strongly encourage you to listen to the playback of this week’s call while it is available.

The topic of the support call is Speedbumps – we all have ‘em.

The call is approx. 25 minutes. The number is (512) 505-6863
If you have friends that need to lose a lot of weight - have them listen.

If you are getting close to your goal weight - call and listen.

If you are struggling, - call and listen.

Got challenges? Call and listen!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit
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Postby kmr » May 17th, 2007, 12:08 pm

Thanks for that post Nancy. I think I'll call later on when things get quiet and settle down in the house this evening (the little ones go nighty night). It sounds very interesting and helpful. I have never tried any of the support calls yet. I actually forgot that the M.F. program had them. Thanks for the reminder! :D
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Postby hulagirlfromhawaii » May 17th, 2007, 1:04 pm

Thank You Nancy!! I'm gonna call it tonight! :mrgreen:

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