One week till the wedding!!

OMG, time is flying by.
I hope everyone is being good Medifasters and having great successes!
I apologize for not posting and supporting everyone this past week, but I'm sure you understand with the wedding stuff, working FT, etc. I am just crazy right now. Not to forget I have had a terrible cold, etc. Then our weather turned unusually cold and rainy for here

I am happy to report I am down 26 pounds and the cold is almost gone. I'm gonna live.

I can honestly say I've thought about you all and it's helped keep me focused. One thing through stressful times in our lives, it's nice to know we can control our food intake. It's a learning process, but one that being here and talking to all of you has helped teach me this.
So, off to more "To Do List" things.
Keep shakin', keep smiling and I'll check in for roll call one last time tomorrow before getting hitched!!