I'm gonna try again and succeed this time!

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I'm gonna try again and succeed this time!

Postby Melissa2006 » January 3rd, 2006, 3:59 pm

I tried and didn't do well at this last year but I am resolute and I'm starting up again tomorrow. I am 5'8 and 239...that does not feel good to write...but it will be changing soon!!!! :x Oh...by the way I am 35 and live in Southern CA.

I have job interviews in May and need to get under 200 to be confident for that. I hope that is a realistic goal??? :?:

Here is my schedule for tomorrow:

6:30 am - 1st shake
9:30 am - 2nd shake
12:30 - 3rd shake
3:30 pm - Bar
6:30 pm - shake
9:30 pm - shake

Broth 2 cups per day
Pickles 2 per day
Drinks: water, 8 oz. - 8x's a day
Coke Zero 2 cans per day (this has caffeine is that okay??).

Here we go!!!!! I am nervous and excited and ready to get going. Good losing to all of us in 2006!!!!

How soon is it okay to start exercising?

Melissa :-P

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Postby Huntersmom » January 3rd, 2006, 5:28 pm

Hi, Melissa. I started MF about one month ago and got sidetracked. I am started tomorrow. My husband said he would reward me greatly if I stuck with it. Here are my rewards:

10lbs~an ipod
20 lbs~treadmill
30~spa visit
40~new clothes
50~he is going to upgrade my wedding ring

He is only doing so maybe I will stick with it, I don't know why I can only last about two weeks. I think my problem is Coca~Cola, I love to drink it, I think I am addicted if one can be. I was just wondering, Can we have Coke Zero, I might be able to make if I know I can have one of those when I really have a craving.

Good luck!!!!
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learning experience

Postby Jan » January 3rd, 2006, 5:29 pm

Ok your first try was just a "learning experience and now you are ready for the "real thing" :D I notice you are doing the complete program with no lean and green. I hope you have a Dr. to monitor your progress. If not you may want to do the 5/l program -- that's the one that includes a "lean and green" I haven't noticed a difference in weight loss between the two. The lean and green just requires us to monitor and measure one meal and make choices.
Caffine is not a problem but sometimes artificial sugars are. There is a new coke with splenda that is pretty good. Try to get yourself down to one can per day. Carbonation is not tooo good for us-- ties up our 02 or some such thing.
Now for exercise -- if you have been exercising cut your work out by half for the first three weeks -- 45 minutes max
If not wait til week 4 to begin. Then begin slowly and work up to 45 minutes. We want to go easy on our hearts.
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Postby Nancy » January 3rd, 2006, 6:00 pm

Yes, yes, :pet: you may use diet soda and for some, it is a life saver.

Caffeine can amp you up and make you feel :smoke: :redhead: :bounce: :smoke: :redhead: :bounce::smoke: :redhead: :bounce: jittery, especially while Medifasting.

While on the weight loss program, especially the complete fast, you will be more susceptible to the effects of caffeine.

I am not a big fan of drinking Pop; it can deplete our bones of calcium and the carbonation can also make our stomach feel empty and growly.

Some folks think it makes them hungrier so see what works best for you.

Your meal schedule looks good, Melissa.

:secret: Medifast recommends only ONE snack per day and while I see two listed on your meal plan, I know many people that lose weight very consistently with two a day.

Pickles and bouillon (or broth) will give you a considerable jolt of sodium so if you find yourself with puffy ankles some days, you can make adjustments as needed.

For people who have not :weightlift: exercised for some time, beginning a program can result in a temporary weight loss slow-down while your body adjusts.

Do not begin a new regimen until you have been on the program a month and your body has adapted to using the stored fat for its energy source.

Huntersmom, your husband rocks!

:shock: Sheesh! I wanna play!

Gimme a spa visit, new clothes and an upgrade to a ring any day!

Kiss that man right NOW!

If you don’t stick to your weight loss program with those kind of incentives, give him MY number! :whattha:
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Postby Huntersmom » January 3rd, 2006, 6:57 pm

Thanks, Nancy. He is pretty great. He is really concerned about my health so that's why he is doing it. Next week,maybe I will be down 2 to 3 pounds.
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Postby Nancy » January 3rd, 2006, 7:05 pm

Huntersmom ~

There is no maybe here!

Next week, you WILL be down 2-3 pounds and at least 1/3 of the way to your ipod!

Party on! :partytime:
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Postby Melissa2006 » January 3rd, 2006, 9:12 pm

Thanks for the encouragement...I'm ready to go. No hubby, so I'll have to buy my own treats ;)

The new Coke Zero is good and I'm glad I can have it....I'll try to keep it to 1 a day. By two snack did you mean the boullion? I'll cut that to one a day too...I don't want to mess around!

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Postby Nancy » January 3rd, 2006, 11:41 pm

Melissa by one snack a day I meant Uno (one) item...

The Medifast recommendations for snacks is as follows:

You can have one snack per day.

The snack can be any of the following

2 dill pickles
3 celery stalks
1 c Sugar-free Jell-O
1 serving of bouillon
1 Packet of Medifast Crackers
or 1 packet of Medifast Fast Soup

Medifast recommends that you only have one snack per day due to the additional carbohydrates and calories.

On the weight loss phase, we are trying to maintain between 80-85 grams of carbohydrates and 800-1000 calories per day in order to stay in the mild dietary state of ketosis - best known as The Fat Burning State.

(All you veterans out there, I know, I know...that's why I stated above that many people can have two snack-o-lahs a day and lose weight at a consistent rate. Remember, Peeps, I am giving you advice for maximum weight loss success...)
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Postby Huntersmom » January 4th, 2006, 7:39 am


After MF, you are going to have men fighting to marry you. I am finally married, I waited 31 years.

I hope you are having great success today. Talk to you later.
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Postby Huntersmom » January 5th, 2006, 5:45 pm

How is it going Melissa?
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Postby Nancy » January 5th, 2006, 6:24 pm

I wondered the same thing!

Hmmm...since we have not heard from her perhaps she is already fighting off suitors and trying to determine which marriage proposal to accept....
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It's Going Great!

Postby melissa » January 8th, 2006, 12:01 pm

No email access for a while....but so far so good. It has only been a couple of days though but I like this. I've stayed off the scale and will weight at one week...next Thursday. :D

How is everyone else doing?? Huntersmom?
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Postby Huntersmom » January 8th, 2006, 12:48 pm

I am doing pretty good~down 3 pounds. I still have alot of work to do though. The plan is very easy in the morning and afternoon for me~it's the night time I have problems with but I will make it through. The Coke Zero helps me through when I am really, really craving a regular coke. Anyway, more later. Talk to you soon.
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Postby Nancy » January 8th, 2006, 10:17 pm

Huntersmom ~

:shock: Whew! :sheepjump: Glad ya checked in. Good loss so far – see? you’re a loser, too!

Evenings can be a challenge for many people - TV commercials, boredom, fatigue, etc. If you like it, herbal tea is a good belly filler - either hot or iced. Lemon is good, peppermint or licorice or my personal fave, passion :whoohoo: is mighty good. Licorice is naturally sweet.

To keep your hands occupied, work on a jigsaw puzzle, crochet, paint, plan your Lean and Greens for the week, clean out closets, etc. I cleaned out drawers, organized my clothes by sizes and looked at the next-size down clothing - it motivated me and gave me something tangible to look forward to wearing in the next few weeks. Your clothing sizes will change significantly. Think about what garments you will buy when you do reach your goal – plan your wardrobe. That’s fun!
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Postby Melissa » January 11th, 2006, 10:23 pm

Good loss! Congratulations!!! I have decided to stay off the scale...maybe I'll weigh once a month maybe not. I just can't handle the normal ups and downs that occur...I get discouraged and throw it all away.

I'm just going to concentrate on following the program as closely as I can and believing that it will work. Eventually I'll see a change in my clothes and that will help motivate me to keep going. Last time weighing every day was what messed me up. I did great for a month and then had a gain for no reason (meaning I didn't cheat) and that was all it took to break me...I gave in and tossed it all away.

My focus is on spacing the shakes, drinking my water, and after 3 weeks excersising everyday. I'm thinking good thoughts for you Huntersmom!
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