I'm gonna try again and succeed this time!

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Postby Nancy » January 13th, 2006, 10:34 am

Melissa ~

I want to encourage you because your plan is exactly right for you. I see such positive things in your plan - you know what will work best for you and you are going to follow the prescribed Take Shape For Life meal plan and the two combined will result in success.

For some of us, the scale seems to make us or break us and it is not the end all of measuring tools. I like your idea to begin your exerise program after your body has adjusted to the fat burning state. When you do begin to work out, take a bottle of two of water with you and sip frequently. It is easy to become dehydrated and that alone will make you feel wonky and your muscles need the water to do what they do - we don't wantcha to have muscle spasms and feel skanky. You may need some bouillon for a day or two until your body adusts to your routine.
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The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
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