Gonna be a tough day

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Gonna be a tough day

Postby ljm498 » June 19th, 2005, 5:00 am

Well, tougher than usual. I'm not sure what I was thinking but we decided to have a Father's Day cookout here today. Now, on previous weight loss adventures, this is the type of day that would cause me to say "today, I will pretty much eat what I want and tomorrow it's back on track". Yeah, well, that "tomorrow" never really happened until months down the line with many pounds gained. I'm vowing that today will be different. I'm absolutely committing myself to stay 100% compliant today. No off plan eating, (thanks Dean, I love that saying), no "well just a little of this, it'll be ok." I've been 100% compliant on MF and I'm not going to break that now! I cleared my first hurdle last night when I was making the dessert. It's heavenly. I not so much as tasted a crumb. I was dying to, let me tell ya. It was really bothering me, but I got through. DH also was very good at helping me clear away any bowls to "clean" as soon as I was done with them :lol: . I WILL get through today. I'm going to focus on different things if it gets really tough. I'm going to focus on the 5lbs I lost this week, on the fact that I'm just about into a size 14, on the new shirts I bought the other day and look great in, on the fact that I'm so much healthier now and to return to my previous state is not an option.

I'm telling all of you this because if I stray, you all have my permission to give me a good butt kicking! Seriously, if I don't do as promised, give it to me straight. Hold me accountable. That's what I need to hear when I've done something like that. But I firmly intend, at the end of the day, to tell you that I made it through.

Happy Father's Day and wonderful Sunday everyone!

Me 34
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You Go Girl!

Postby LessOfMe » June 19th, 2005, 5:31 am

YOU GO GIRL! Your resolve is loud and clear! That's exactly what it takes and I know that you will make it! Enjoy showing off your new clothes and new body! Don't give in to any of that "temptation" stuff. If someone says..."Just have a little taste, oh please." You just tell them that your have a little bit of an upset tummy. That'll stop 'em dead in their tracks! If you tell them, "No thanks, I'm dieting," they may just encourage you to taste it all the more!

JUST DO IT! I'll be praying for you (and me) to survive this "holiday." Enjoy your party!

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Postby dlr2424 » June 19th, 2005, 6:55 am

ljm......and lessofme..............I have complete faith you will both stay on track...... :yes: .......remember.... :hmmm: .....that food may taste great.......... :roll: ......but the taste only lasts a moment....... :no: ........not worth the torture we put ourselves through........and if anyone asks why I wasn't eating..... :huh: .......You can always say.............I'm having blood work done in the morning so I have to fast.......... ;) ..........when things are at your own home I find it much easier to be busy and have my own meals in a private area if need be...........don't sweat it...... :no: ......it's only one day


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Postby Unca_Tim » June 19th, 2005, 8:51 am

20 lashes if you slip..... :whip:

...but I know you'll make it...:)
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Postby LessOfMe » June 19th, 2005, 2:01 pm

What a great suggestion, Donna! "I'm having blood work done in the morning!" Awesome! :kool: Much better than giving the impression that you may :puke: at any moment!

I've been doing good so far and even ate my meal replacement bar with a cup of coffee while others ate at our Father's Day breakfast. I will admit that I am a little grumpy :lightening: and I think my hubby would rather have me off on a distant island for the duration of my mood! But, this will pass. Thanks for the encouragement!

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Postby DogMa » June 19th, 2005, 2:59 pm

Good luck today! Remember, the best Father's Day present you can give is a slimmer, healthier you!

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Postby ljm498 » June 19th, 2005, 4:46 pm

Well, it's the end of the day and I'm happy to report that I stayed on plan completely. Actually, I still have one more meal to have for the day but I'll get that in at some point before bed. I really was so busy getting ready, grilling, putting things out etc. that I didn't even think about food. I did get, "aren't you going to have any of this?" once or twice but that was it and I just said, nope, I'm all set and they left it at that. So, I made it through. No 20 lashes Unca! :lol: Thanks, everyone, for your support. It really means a lot to me. And also, way to Karen! Sounds like you had a great day and did well too. Way to go! Donna, I really like the "I'm having bloodwork in the morning so I have to fast" reply. I need to remember that for future comebacks. And Robin, yes, definitely, a thinner me is a great present. Thankfully we're still on track for it.

Thanks all! Have a great night!

Me 34
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Postby dlr2424 » June 19th, 2005, 5:57 pm

Girls.................I am so proud of you............. :yippee: :boing: :bouncie: :cheerleader: :clap: :yeah: :burnout: ..........weigh to go....... :yay: .........how good you must feel.... :D ......here's to you both....... :cheers: ........

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Postby doglover » June 19th, 2005, 6:37 pm

Congrats to you for making it thru a tough day! Tomorrow you will wake up healthier and so proud of yourself!
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