First of all, I used to be "Wannabe" but have now changed my name to reflect my new weight status.

The past several weeks have been pretty busy and eventful for me. I went off Medifast for about a week due to a 3 day seminar immediately followed by some serious (ie. painful and expensive) dental work. However, I got right back on the wagon and have been a faithful medifaster since then.

I've now lost 30 lbs since starting medifast in mid Jan. Today I had to dig in the back of my closet for jeans that fit!
One of the first things I did today was look up Falisamarie's most recent post....40 pounds!!

Way to go!!!! How about some "during" pictures?

(I've got a before pic to post if I can just remember to get my hubby to scan it for me. I don't know how.)

You're doing great Lisa, what an inspiration you are!!!
And by the 'bout those Oatmeal raisin bars! Just tried them this past week....I'm seriously hooked!!! Ordered two more boxes an hour ago. Yummy!

This is the first time I've been bothered by the "just one bar a day" rule. If UPS loses my bars like they did my last shipment of RTD shakes, I'm gonna be chasing brown trucks all over my neighborhood!