Gone awhile but still losing!

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Gone awhile but still losing!

Postby Allison Onederland » March 23rd, 2006, 1:12 pm

First of all, I used to be "Wannabe" but have now changed my name to reflect my new weight status. :D The past several weeks have been pretty busy and eventful for me. I went off Medifast for about a week due to a 3 day seminar immediately followed by some serious (ie. painful and expensive) dental work. However, I got right back on the wagon and have been a faithful medifaster since then. :thumbsup: I've now lost 30 lbs since starting medifast in mid Jan. Today I had to dig in the back of my closet for jeans that fit! :yes:

One of the first things I did today was look up Falisamarie's most recent post....40 pounds!! :shock: :whoohoo: Way to go!!!! How about some "during" pictures? :D (I've got a before pic to post if I can just remember to get my hubby to scan it for me. I don't know how.) :oops: You're doing great Lisa, what an inspiration you are!!! :thumbup:

And by the way....how 'bout those Oatmeal raisin bars! Just tried them this past week....I'm seriously hooked!!! Ordered two more boxes an hour ago. Yummy! :eat: This is the first time I've been bothered by the "just one bar a day" rule. If UPS loses my bars like they did my last shipment of RTD shakes, I'm gonna be chasing brown trucks all over my neighborhood! :lol:
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Postby MusicalMomma » March 23rd, 2006, 1:35 pm

Hi Allison!! Welcome back!!! Good to see you're doing well :) Yeah, those oat raisin bars are addictive!!!! Lisa has definitely done VERY well...way ahead of those of us who started around the same time! We're all so proud of her!!!!

Hope to see a lot more of you around the board from now on!! :)
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Postby falisamarie » March 23rd, 2006, 2:21 pm


I love the new name it is so creative! Thanks for checking in on me it helps keep me on the straight and narrow. I am so glad that you are back on program and doing so very well. I agree to on the Oatmeal Raisin bars, they sort of remind me of carrot cake! I might just call UPS and tell them to hold out on the bars, can you imagine the exercise you would get chasing those trucks!

You are doing great and I saw that you found my latest pic in the studio :oops: still hate the camera but not as much as before!

Keep it shakin

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Postby Trixie » March 24th, 2006, 8:35 am

Allison- 30 lbs is great! Love the new name to reflect your success! Thanks so much for coming back to share your excitement. It really helps keep us all motivated!!

Keep up the great work!

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Postby Allison Onederland » March 28th, 2006, 7:38 am

I might just call UPS and tell them to hold out on the bars, can you imagine the exercise you would get chasing those trucks!

:roflmao: Lisa, you crack me up! Ummm... :roll: you wouldn't really do that to a fellow medifaster would ya? ;) Seriously though, I'm down to my last Oatmeal raisin bar and starting to get panicky. They really get me over that difficult time when the kids come home from school and start making popcorn, eating cookies, etc. The popcorn :popcorn: is calling to me...Allison, just have a little :twisted: ...it won't hurt! So far I have resisted and as long as those bars get here I'll be safe! :lol:

Trixie, looks like you and I have close to the same amount to lose before reaching goal. We're doin' it! 30+ pounds of flabbage gone :wave: so far and more to follow!! :woohoo:
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Postby Joelie » March 28th, 2006, 7:15 pm

:wavie: WTG on shedding 30lbs Allison!

I just tried the oatmeal raisin bar today and OMG I am in LOOOOVE!
They ROCK!
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Postby Allison Onederland » March 29th, 2006, 6:26 am

Yes Joelie, they are unbelievably delish aren't they??? I ate my last one yesterday afternoon in the car. I ate it slowly and enjoyed every single itty bitty bite, all the while thinking "surely that UPS package will be on my porch when I get home tonight!" But no.... :nonono: nothing!! Why oh why didn't I order more than one box when the lady on the phone said "they are our most popular and biggest selling item"??? :dooh:

Must...have...more...bars...NOW! :aarggh:
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