As I have told some of you already I too am pregnant and due in Nov. Before my days of Medifast it took me 2 years to get pregnant my first time. It was a long, stressful process and a year of fertility treatments and drugs that make Medifast PMS look like a vacation. My husband and I were both told that we had fertility issues, he was told his was almost certainly weight related, mine partially, and that our chances of getting pregnant without help were slim to none.
2 and half years later, after we have both lost around 30 pounds on Medifast each I'm now pregnant. So beware those that thought "oh it won't happen to me" and don't want it to happen. My doctor couldn't be more pleased, well he will be as long as I don't gain another 50 pounds this time!
So be carefully ladies, and remember that your hubby's fertility could also be going up as well as yours as you are slimming up together

I will still be hanging around the boards and will be right back on Medifast as soon as my doctor gives me the go ahead next winter. I will need to lose the extra poundage to keep up with 2 kids! oh my...
Keep shaking !