Goin' away for the weekend.......

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Goin' away for the weekend.......

Postby Lois » November 14th, 2003, 7:05 am

Hello, my friends!

I'm leaving this afternoon (Friday) to lead a weekend retreat, and will be back on Sunday afternoon. This is only my second week on Medifast, so I've gotta do some careful planning.

I will bring my shakes and soups, shaker jar, tea (I don't drink coffee), sweetner, bottled water, diet sodas, bullion, and a big mug with a lid!!!!!

Am I forgetting anything?

The good thing is, I'll be BUSY!!!!! It is a very creative retreat for women, and will involve storytelling, sacred dance, artwork, and lots of music :D

I won't have lots of time to sit around thinking about food!

I already told the dining room staff not to prepare meals for me, but since a lot of fellowship happens around the meal table, I'll probably sit and sip tea, bullion, or one of my medifast soups while the ladies eat.

I am prepared to tell them that I'm doing Medifast when they ask. My size is no secret, so I don't have any qualms about telling people what I'm doing about it ;)

So......Wish me luck!!! And if you have any advice I'd sure love to hear it.

I'll post here when I get back to let you know how it went!


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Postby Jeanette » November 14th, 2003, 7:45 am

Lois, the retreat sounds FUN! I enjoy anything that requires some creativity.

Sounds to me like you've got everything you need. And I bet you've even rehearsed in your head what to say when people ask!

Best of luck--have a great weekend!

Jeanette :star:
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Postby Ellen » November 14th, 2003, 3:51 pm

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. It sounds like you've got it all under control. I'm sure you'll be successful with the Medifast plan while you're away.
Have a great time!
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Postby susan » November 15th, 2003, 7:29 am

Lois, you will do fine some times i have had to just put mine in tap water shake it up and chug it down i don;t like to but can if i haft to.hope you have a good time.susan
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You are a real Boy Scout!

Postby Nancy » November 17th, 2003, 10:06 pm


You had planned everything in advance and I am sure that made it possible for you to survive the weekend retreat.

Planning ahead is one of the keys to successfully sticking to the weight loss and maintenance portion of Medifast. This will be a life long step for us - if we intend to keep our weight a normal healthy level, then we must always plan ahead and eat at the prescribed times and in the prescribed amounts.

I used the weight loss portion of the program to teach my self about portion sizes. I do quite well with portion sizes now, especially at home where i can control the size of my plate and the serving spoons. Since I have a more difficult time when I am at a restaurant, due to the HUMONGOUS servings, I ask for a ToGo carton and always cut the meal portions in half before I eat it and box it right then and there. It keeps me from overeating - outta sight, outta mind.
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