by Sojourner » March 9th, 2007, 6:01 pm
Hey Merry Mary...yeah, what everyone else said.
It is such an individual thing ~ the charts are really just guidelines. Nickie's right, too, about your goal number not being set in stone.
I set my goal weight according to a previous weight, factoring in my age as well. Due to my previous jockhood, I have dense bones and a solid muscle base. According to the BMI chart, 150 is on the high end of "normal" for me, while 115 is on the low end of "normal." I have not weighed 115 since I was 12 years old - and I had no body fat to speak of then. I weighed 150 and wore size 3 and 5 junior in my 20s and early 30s. At my current weight, I'm in size 9 and sometimes 7 junior Levi I said, it's a very individual thing. You'll know when you get closer to goal where you look and, most importantly, feel your best.
Keep up the good work ~ you're doing GREAT!!!
Shake it gone, babeee!!!