I'm gunning to get back to the 20's soon!
Uh oh! You know what to do, Berk - it's not
it's Medifast!
You can do it! Sometimes during the busy times we forget to prepare ahead and then get caught off guard without our supply of Medifood.
It nearly happened to me the other day. I was out and about
and had
forgotten to re-stock my trunk after I had shared some of my RTDs with people I met in the parking lot. I was running errands, ate a meal bar from my purse, slugged down several bottles of water, still bipping all about and it was approaching meal time and we were planning to go to a party later on that night so I was going to have 5 Medimeals that day. Here I was, a long-time EXPERIENCED Medifaster, caught without my Medigrub and fast-approaching the Starvin' Marvin Stage. (Folks, if you are not in the fat-burning state i.e. on maintenance, hunger is there and it is real! I am strict about what I allow to slide down my gullet - if it isn't quality, it's not goin' down the chute!)
What to do? I ran into Safeway and bought a 1/2 pint of skim milk. If you are caught without your shake or a bar don't use that for an excuse to go
ballistic and visit the local gut bomb shop to snarf down a burger or fries and whatever ya do, don't call for the Pizza Dude!
Every town and berg has a Quickie Mart or Oh, Thank Heaven, a 7 - 11 were you can grab a half pint of skim milk. No, it is NOT particularly tasty (in fact, it is down right
gross) but it will keep you in the fat-burning state, won't sacrifice your weight loss efforts, you'll feel a whole lot
better about your scale situation and it will move you closer to your goal.
You choose (right), you lose. :boing:
You snooze, you lose (at the losing game)...
(Not meant to harangue you, Darlin' but I wanted to use your experience as a
teaching tool for others...) still