Glug! You may be drinking too much … water

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Glug! You may be drinking too much … water

Postby Triskets » February 15th, 2005, 9:58 am

Here's an "interesting" story I found this am on It was written by a doctor. Having been an avid water drinker for over 20 years, I think most of what she says is hogwash and I thought it interesting to pass along - (please don't shoot the messenger - lol)

Glug! You may be drinking too much … water
It’s become a popular health mantra: Drink a lot — a lot — of water. But, says Dr. Judith Reichman, too much is not a good thingBy Dr. Judith Reichman
"Today" show contributor
Updated: 9:46 a.m. ET Feb. 8, 2005Q: I’ve heard you should drink eight glasses of water a day. This seems like a lot. Is it really necessary?

A: No. Water is essential, but there’s no need to mega-water our bodies.

The body has a built-in way of controlling hydration and telling us how much we should drink. It’s called thirst.

An extensive review, published recently in the American Journal of Physiology, could not find medical evidence to support a need for those eight glasses a day. Drinking large amounts of water will not curb your hunger, “flush” away toxins or make your skin look moist and dewy. (Your skin will look dry if you become medically dehydrated, but no one is telling you to stop fluid intake. You will become thirsty long before you become dehydrated.)

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In fact, there are good reasons not to force yourself to drink too much water. Over-hydration can lead to wetting accidents as your overfilled bladder contracts before you reach the bathroom.

And if you imbibe faster than your kidneys can process, you risk dilution of electrolytes and water intoxication, causing confusion and coma.

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If you exercise strenuously, you should drink enough to make up for the sweating and energy expenditure that will follow. Feel free to drink a glass or two before you become thirsty, but don’t overload. If you are in the hot sun or extreme heat, you should also increase your fluid intake.

But under normal circumstances, you needn’t walk around with a designer bottle of water, gulping down more than you need to quench your thirst.

Dr. Reichman’s Bottom Line: Drink when you are thirsty. The dictum to drink eight glasses a day just doesn’t hold water.

Dr. Judith Reichman, the “Today” show's medical contributor on women's health, has practiced obstetrics and gynecology for more than 20 years. You will find many answers to your questions in her latest book, "Slow Your Clock Down: The Complete Guide to a Healthy, Younger You," published by William Morrow, a division of HarperCollins.
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Postby raederle » February 15th, 2005, 10:12 am

That article was hilarious! I mean, true, if you drink too much water you can die-- but do you know how much water you'd hafta drink before it killed you??? It's absurd for a doctor to go around telling people they risk killing themselves and peeing themselves on the way to the bathroom if they drink too much. Remind me not to choose this schmo as my PCP!

Plus, I don't know about you guys, but drinking water *definitely* helps me with hunger! Maybe there's no rigorous explanation for why 8 glasses is a medical necessity, but I know I wasn't drinking enough water before, and now that I am, my skin does look better (I'm prone to rosacea, so I see a dramatic difference when my skin is acting up), I'm less constipated, and I'm less hungry. I'm happy to go with anecdotal, experience-based evidence on this one!

Interesting post, though, Triskets! :mrgreen:

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Postby raederle » February 15th, 2005, 10:20 am

I couldn't help myself! I did some quick searching online and found this interesting counterpoint article:

Are You Drinking Too Much Water?
The reality of the eight-glasses-a-day rule

by Holly McCord, RD

There was a study from Purdue University that "revealed" what dietitians have known for decades: You get a lot of water from your food. Even a slice of white bread, for example, contains 1 ¾ teaspoons water.

Soon, every newscast said, "Forget about drinking eight glasses a day." The take-home message? Just drink if you're thirsty; you'll get the rest of your fluid from food.

The problem is, I'm not sure I always drink when I'm thirsty. Even though I'm the nutrition editor of Prevention, I admit there are days when I'm so busy that I come to the end of the day and realize I haven't had much to drink (or eat) since morning. And I bet there are lots of you just like me.

So my advice is this: Keep the eight-glasses-a-day rule--not as a do-or-die goal, but simply as a tool to remind you to drink enough fluid to make up for any shortfall from your food. The payoff? Plentiful fluids may help wash away six health problems:

#1 Urinary tract infections (UTIs).
"Chronic UTI sufferers can literally bring one on by letting themselves run low on fluids several days in a row," says Prevention advisor Mary Jane Minkin, MD, gynecology expert at Yale University School of Medicine. And I know this is true from personal experience!

#2 Kidney stones.
If you tend to form kidney stones, drink enough liquid to void at least 2 quarts of urine a day, advises the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK). Drinking eight glasses of fluid a day is a good starting point.

#3 Bladder cancer.
In one study, those who drank six 8-oz glasses of water every day reduced their bladder cancer risk by 50 percent (New England Jour. of Medicine, May 6, 1999).

#4 Colon cancer.
Higher water intake has also been linked to a 45 percent lower risk of colon cancer in women (Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, July 1996).

#5 Obesity.
Reaching for calorie-free glasses of water throughout the day helps many people stay filled up enough to pass on snacks, says Prevention Fitness Editor Michele Stanten.

#6 Constipation.
Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day can help prevent constipation by keeping stools soft, says Dr. Minkin.

Holly McCord, a registered dietitian, is former Nutrition Editor of Prevention and author of Win the Cholesterol War (Rodale 2001).

:mrgreen: So, now what do we do? Risk coma, or risk colon cancer? :shock:

I think I'll have a glass of water while I think about it...

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Postby Marseilles » February 15th, 2005, 10:48 am

This may help put it in perspective as well......

From CNN

Police: Student died from 'water intoxication'
Friday, February 4, 2005 Posted: 8:21 AM EST (1321 GMT)
Matthew Carrington

CHICO, California (AP) -- A California State University student died of "water intoxication" during hazing in the basement of a fraternity, authorities said Thursday.

Matthew Carrington, 21, died early Wednesday while drinking water from a five-gallon jug and doing exercises at the Chi Tau house near the Chico campus, said Chico Police Sgt. Dave Barrow.

An autopsy showed death was triggered by hyponatremia, a condition in which excess water in the body causes sodium levels in the blood to drop. Water is then absorbed into the blood and fluid builds up in the brain.

The case was still under investigation, and no decision had been made on whether to file charges.

Carrington's is the second pledge death at Chico since 2000, when an 18-year-old died of alcohol poisoning.

The university cut its ties to Chi Tau in 2002 because of "a series of increasing problems and complaints," including excessive alcohol use and loud parties, a campus spokesman said.


Do you know of ANYONE that can pound back 5 gallons of water??

I sure dont, not in one day!

There are certainly extreme cases as with anything in life...say, our FAT behinds, for example..but I daresay the risks of dropping dead of a coronary far exceed our risks of floating away or dying due to water intoxication!


None of this is aimed at the messenger, by any means...

There are bandwagons to be found in ANY arena...funny how this Doctor has enough spare time to spend trying to debunk the benefits of water.

Last edited by Marseilles on February 15th, 2005, 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby 24KaratGold » February 15th, 2005, 10:49 am

raederle wrote: (I'm prone to rosacea, so I see a dramatic difference when my skin is acting up)
I too am prone to rosacea (in bouts, not constantly, thank goodness!) and I have noticed a definite improvement since I started Medifast. I have wondered whether it was the soy or the water. I've always been good at drinking water, so have ascribed it to the soy. I wonder if anybody's done any research on that? I know that there are a whole host of foods to avoid to control rosacea, and maybe it's just that none of them are on the food plan! lol

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Postby raederle » February 15th, 2005, 12:03 pm

Ha ha ha... Gotta wonder if maybe it's not so much the water I drink, but the case of beer a week I'm *not* drinkin'!

Interesting tip on the soy, though. It's worth a try to keep soy in my diet even post-MF to see if it helps. I suppose it's supposed to be a wonderfood anyway, so no reason not to stick with it!

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Postby Sylvia » February 15th, 2005, 12:24 pm

I agree completely on the soy. My cholesterol dropped significantly while on MF. While some of it was attributable to the weight loss and exercise, I attribute most of it to the soy. I agree that it's also good for the complexion. I always drink a lot of water and still have skin "issues". While on MF I noticed a significant improvement. Since I've been away from it, things have gone downhill again.

On the water thing, I think it's ridiculous. Sounds like the Dr is just trying to be controversial to make a name for himself and to become popular with the many folks who plain old don't want to drink 64 oz of water and are looking for a justification as to why they shouldn't.

I'm a bit of a water zealot and notice a marked difference in how I feel if I don't drink at least 8 glasses a day. It is especially important while on MF due to its dehydrating effects.
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Postby explorthis » February 15th, 2005, 12:34 pm

Dr. Judith – whoever…
American Journal – whatever…

It’s become a popular health mantra: Drink a lot — a lot — of water

Well mantra or not, It is a good thing in Dr. Mikes view. I don’t care if my Mommy becomes a world renound water-ologist, and tells me it’s bad for me. I feel good when I am fluid, It helps curb hunger. IT WORKED AND STILL WORKS FOR ME, I know it worked for Nancy, Sylvia (already tossed in her 2 cents), and Camille. Let’s see if any of them comes on to say they agree with this happy horse pucky.

Drink it, and drink it in large amounts

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Postby Triskets » February 15th, 2005, 3:23 pm

Hi everyone - interesting articles you found. I know for myself if I wait until I'm thirsty to drink, I'm already dehydrated! The doctor who wrote the MSNBC article must be a quack! LOL

:water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water: :water:
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