leticia wrote:I was introduced by one of my co-workers
on this site
Leticia...you are a co worker of Mike's??? aren’t you lucky. Mike is the MEDIFAST god!! lol!! he is such a BIG LOOSER!! lost sooo much weight!! as you know....and he’s such a great asset to this forum and a source of strength when you need it!!
Yes, Leticia is a friend/co-worker. We have many locations within our company. I am in Southern California, and she is in the San Francisco (Northern California) location. We have spoken many times about Medifast. She called me a few months ago, though I have not physically seen her in about a year, she said “a little bird told me you have lost a lot of weight” Funny, we are miles away from each other, and this subject, the weight loss one gets to her via word of mouth… I guess we call this “networking”
Anywho, she has taken the Medi-plunge. I have personally given her the necessary support she needs, and the “Guido” speech. She has not met Guido yet, and hopefully she never will. Maybe some of you can tell her who Guido is, and why he is not welcome!!!
Welcome to Leticia and Darlene!!!