Getting the most out of that extra skin.

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Postby sheila » June 11th, 2006, 10:34 pm

Mike took the words right out of my mouth!LOL!!! I was thinking the same thing about silence of the lambs!
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Postby jump4joy » June 11th, 2006, 10:58 pm

Diana wrote:You know, you could always have a slit "installed" and rent yourself out as a marsupial.

Brilliant idea, Diana! Then you wouldn't have to carry around a purse anymore.....a handy-dandy place to put your wallet and room for all those little bare essentials. ;)

A marsupial pouch.....too, too FUNNY! :roflmao:
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Postby Serendipity » June 12th, 2006, 5:05 am

Diana wrote:You know, you could always have a slit "installed" and rent yourself out as a marsupial.

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Postby Lauren » June 12th, 2006, 6:11 am

I was just thinking about the skin yesterday! There's something kinda funny about the whole thing, I should be depressed looking at this sad sack of a body, but I find it funny. What is REALLY funny is that I now have sagging skin all over the fronts of my thighs, my upper arms, my belly (yes that overhang is miserable), and of course the breasteseseses -but the backs of my thighs are tight and fit and devoid of any clue that a massacre has taken place on the rest of my body! The weirdest thing but I don't even have cellulite - so the backs of my legs look mahvelous! Alas, I won't be meeting single guys with just the backs of my legs (all you dirty minded folks, get your heads out of the gutter), so I think I'll need to be doing some, err, touch ups on the rest of me!


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Postby Tiolazz » June 12th, 2006, 8:47 am


I find this post extremely disturbing.... LOL
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Postby DntCryLilEmoGrl » June 12th, 2006, 11:32 am

mrmmac wrote:Hmmm, Silence of the Lambs comes to mind... ewwwwww.
As for parting with it... I have absolutely no problem. I figure I've had the overhanging gut all of my life..... perhaps someone else would be happy to enjoy it... lol.
Besides... I probably will lose close to 20# or more when it gets removed, and I'll gladly go for that.


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Postby ChiNut » June 12th, 2006, 1:04 pm

:roflmao: :roflmao:
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Postby Serendipity » June 12th, 2006, 5:08 pm

When all else fails, fold it up and secure it with duct tape......gotta love the duct tape! :mrgreen:
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Postby jump4joy » June 12th, 2006, 6:15 pm

Abdominoplasty for penny-pinchers! "Tummy Tuck w/Duct". Say that one really fast three times. :mrgreen:
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Postby Serendipity » June 12th, 2006, 6:25 pm

Does duct tape come in flesh color? Just wonderin' :shock:
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Postby Mike » June 12th, 2006, 6:29 pm

No but they do have clear.
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Postby SharonR » June 12th, 2006, 6:29 pm

That is just so wrong! You might give yourself a little "nip and tuck" when you deside to take the duck tape off, ifin ya know what I'm saying! OUCH! :nutz:
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Postby lifelovinaries » June 12th, 2006, 8:18 pm

Jo, I think Hildi could use it as a wall cover and she could plaster it up there with the BANANA PUDDING!

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Postby horsey girl » June 12th, 2006, 10:13 pm

Then again this may not be as goofy as it sounds. Skin is a big deal for organ donations. I was watching a program tonight about stolen body parts from corpses, They said the parts including skin, could be worth up to $250,000. Think about it. Ours would be nice and fresh. We could be heros and rich too! A whole new cottage industry :mrgreen:
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Postby dede4wd » June 12th, 2006, 10:38 pm

Well, this post disturbed me in many ways...but at least there's still tears pouring from my eyes.

I've heard some plastic surgeons donate excess skin from tummy tucks & stuff to burn units, so it helps people who need skin grafts. I never thought about my big gut helping someone, but I'll figure out if I have enough to "donate" when I'm done!

lauren...that's so funny, the back of my thighs are good too! Arms, yeech, under chin, yeech (stretchmarks!), tummy, don't even ask, boobages...tucked firmly into belt...but the back of the thighs are all good, we have to figure out a new way to walk to show off our advantages without falling off curbs or getting hit by city busses!

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