Getting Meals In

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Getting Meals In

Postby LadyinVA » January 4th, 2005, 11:31 am

Hi All,

Does anyone else have trouble getting all the meals in? And I'm not talking about hunger but about TIME! I am currently doing the 5 and 1 plan. If I am trying to eat every 3 hours (and let's not even talk about 4 hours) I am running out of time. I really dont want to have a shake or meal replacement at 10 or 11 at night. Is it okay to only have 4 MF meals, assuming 3 of them are shakes? Can or should I have the meals closer together? Is that okay? Is it better to get all 5 in weight loss-wise then it is to skip one? I hope this is not a dumb question :?

Thanks in advance for any answers or support. I just finished week one and am down 6 pounds! :yippee:
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Postby explorthis » January 4th, 2005, 12:10 pm

Shari, welcome….

First of all, yes it is imperative you get in ALL your meals… 5-1(lean green) Remember, the brain is a muscle, and requires fuel to survive. You need this fuel, actually miniscule amounts of calories, compared to what your normal routine used to be. Assuming your on M/70 like I was, I think it is 90 calories, and 90x5=450 calories + your small lean green is not a whole lot of “fuel” Additionally the body is pretty smart. The task at hand is to basically cheat it into thinking it is getting all the nutrition it needs to burn the proper fat off, and not burn the muscle. If it thinks (maybe not feels like) it is getting what it needs, everything else plays together in harmony (gosh I should be a quoting a passage out of the good book) to speed along the loss.

The schedule should not be too hard, and it matters not when on the clock you consume them, but the frequency of…

My schedule was 7:00/10:00/1:00/4:00 and 7:00

If you choose the L/G meal, squeeze this in at normal dinner time, like 6:00… Even if you actually get in your last shake at 10:00 or 11:00 does it really matter? Other than having to get up in the middle of the night for a RR break, it's only 90 calories, and 8-10 ounces....

I just finished week one and am down 6 pounds

This alone should tell you what your doing IS working…

Shake on.

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Postby Sylvia » January 4th, 2005, 12:53 pm

And just to add to what Mike said, it won't hurt at all to space them every 2 1/2 hours apart. I did that a lot of the time and it worked well for me.
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Postby LadyinVA » January 4th, 2005, 1:32 pm

Thanks Mike and Sylvia,

I guess thats pretty much what Ive been doing to get all 6 meals in. And as Mike said the calories are minimal which I didn't even think about....its just that dieters mindset that you dont eat late at night :)

Thanks for your help!
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Postby explorthis » January 4th, 2005, 1:37 pm

its just that dieters mindset that you dont eat late at night

Agree Shari.. Look at it this way, your Medifast TOTAL consumption for a 24 hour period, is less than a fast food meal from a drive through!! Not to mention about 9,000 percent healthier!!

Pretty minimal on calories/fat/sugar etc.....

This is why if you’re craving something extra, Nancy recommends even having another shake or even 2 to satisfy you. Much better than heading for the Golden Starches....

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Postby Guest » January 4th, 2005, 7:39 pm

No worries about eating later in the evening IF it is a Medifast meal (and for those of you on tranny or maintenance, a non-Medifast but very low fat/low carb late evening snack is all right. I am going to address this issue in my next Newsletter.)

Think about your bod as a finely honed machine that runs on fuel. The tank is only so big - it holds just enough fuel to go its prescribed distance in an efficient manner.

If the load is large, it can't make it very far and must be re-fueled every now and then in order to make it all the way to its destination. Without enough fuel, it runs out of gas and if the load is larger than normal, it not only stops short of its destination but it also stops functioning at its peak performance level.

We fuel our bod with 5-7 Medifast packets per day (depending upon your program). If you cut back on your fuel intake, the efficiency of your bod's performance is affected as well as the distance you can go. Don't skip meals; don't stretch out your meals more than 4 hours a part. You need t fuel your bod every three hours. Don't short-change your health - it's not worth it. We jeopardize our health by being over weight. Why jeopardize your health by withholding its nutrition and its fuel?
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 4th, 2005, 10:53 pm

<-------makes Nancy write on the blackboard 50 times...

"I will log in when I make a post on the forum"

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Postby Nancy » January 5th, 2005, 12:20 am

My wrinkled and liver-spotted little hand is so weary and tired from writing on the blackboard, "I will log in when I make a post on the forum"

Unca ~ such a :x cruel man! He made me write it in LARGE letters...but I fooled him, I did. I used my long fingernails to do the writage. Hee hee.

methinks some skanky :twisted: imp got a hold of my laptop while I was out slurping a Starbuck's and erased my automatic linkage and loggage... :oops:
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Postby explorthis » January 5th, 2005, 8:15 am

makes Nancy write on the blackboard 50 times...

lolol... Tekky-nology

Cntl-V (and just hold it for about 3 seconds)

-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike-Mike (think that's close to 50+)
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Postby mombarnes » January 5th, 2005, 11:33 am

You guys crack me up! I'm laughing out loud sitting at a computer. Talk about feeling silly ....
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Postby Nancy » January 5th, 2005, 3:36 pm

That's how LW gets her exercise - giggling, snorting, running down the hall to the BR...

Huh! Never knew about ctrl 'c' and ctrl 'v'

:bounce: Wow! A whole new technological world has opened before my bleary eyes and stubby fingernails. :boing: :yippee:

I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted: I :heart: Mike, Unca is cruel :twisted:
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 6th, 2005, 12:18 am

Isn't tough love allowed any more?
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