Aww Alisa, that was the sweetest thing you said. I never thought my weight loss could be inspiring to anyone but I'm SO glad that it got you back on the program! Way to GO!!
Someone mentioned about changing your mindset... that's exactly what I had to do too. I don't have a hubby and I don't live with anyone but my 3 cats - however, I'm the one who shouted at myself from the inside. I have decided that this is IT! I'm fed up of trying this and trying that - only to end up heavier than where I began. I tell myself every single day that if I can't stick to this then I will be fat forever because this is as easy as it gets. I figure if I can't even stick to something as simple as this program, then it's a waste of time. And of COURSE I don't want to be fat, so that really kicks me in the backside. I even bought a stuffed pig to sit on top of my TV so everytime I see one of THOSE commercials (fast food, restaurants, etc.) I stare at Mr Pig and ask myself if I REALLY think it would be worth the cheat. I see that little rolley polley pig and think, NO WAY! I don't even bring food into the house! I have water and my shakes and that's it! So, unless I want to binge out on Splenda packets, I stay true.
Just remember when those times get tough, we're here for you. Don't give up. Log on here and vent. The chances are that you'll see such dramatic results that you'll put cheating completely out of your mind. I get tempted - but I would NOT cheat. I'm scared enough of my first plateau without adding to the frustration by setting myself back 3 or more days to get back into ketosis.
You are strong, you can do this, and you're worth it! We're all behind you 200%!
Welcome back!!