by Nancy » July 31st, 2006, 8:35 am
Dear Jenn ~
Uh, oh! So sorry to hear about your stomach pains. Call the doctor right away.
When a person is on a weight loss program, eating low fat foods, their gall bladder can develop sludge from inactivity. This can happen with any low fat weight loss program.
I had a number of GB attacks over the course of my life, some while I was on other weight loss programs. I remember having lost about 60 pounds on a diet one time and as I neared my birthday, I decided I would celebrate. I had not had any red meat for months. I had been eating shrimp, hard boiled eggs or non-fat cottage cheese and exclusively for months. I pulled a stupid and ordered prime rib and a baked potato with the birthday belly ache was so not worth it. Open-backed green gowns with dangly strings are not my best look. Probably not yours either, eh?
In an ideal world, people will go from low fat, lean meats to gradually reintroducing foods in the specified order, maintaining the fluid intake and chewing foods thoroughly. Having a gall bladder attack is very painful and can eventually involve a trip to the hospital for some people.
My gb has left the bod, laparoscopically speaking.
Take care! Call the doc!
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels...
The Formerly FLABulous and Now very Fabulous
Nancy Pettit