I wonder how many objects in the world weigh 80 pounds?
I want the extra 80 pounds that I have been packing around on my body to vanish - never to return.
I WANT MY SEXY BACK!! *giggles* Seriously though!
There are times when I wonder who is worse in life...
...Your old friends who remember that at one time you had a normal body weight BUT they fail to tell you that they notice you are putting on weight - they don't even say anything (to your face that is) when you become obese! Or the new friends who you've met while fat who think you've always been that way and who make comments like "you're never going to be small because you're big-boned". (More on the big boned comment in a minute) Maybe it seems rude to point out that a friend is putting on weight. Maybe they feel bad so they just don't say anything BUT deep down I feel as if my friends were secretly overjoyed that I was joining the pudge club so they just sat back and watched it happen. My new friends who met me heavy just think that I was born fat so the expectation is that I will remain that way. *shrugs* Go figure!
I think I was 28 years old when I could no longer fit a size 6 anymore but at the time I felt as if I sort of looked better with a little weight on and embraced the size 8's. It wasn't long before I crept up to a size 10 and I don't even remember when 12's came into the picture. But the last 4 years I have been in 14's (bottoms) and 16's (tops) and I look terrible. I clearly remember asking a friend one day how come I wasn't called big-boned when I was in a size 5-6 but all of a sudden when I got into a 14-16 I was BIG BONED??? HOW DO BONES GET BIGGER???

When my weight hit 210 I almost died from shock!

I turned 40 this past July. The day I turned 39 I vowed that I would spend that year trying to be FIT and FINE by FORTY! I just didn't want to battle weight problems for the rest of my life and after seeing how fast my 30's vanished, I wanted to get a head start on gaining some control over my 40's. The problem was I had no idea how I was going to do that. Needless to say my 40th birthday came and went and I was actually looking fatter than ever!!
By August I was doing a search on the NET (burn+fat+eating) or something like that and came across a blog that was discussing Medifast. At first I was pretty snobbish about it thinking...heck, I'm not fat enough to be doing some liquid diet like Oprah did in the past, so I basically ignored it. (sorry, just being honest) Then a few weeks later while searching for a "plan" to follow, I again ended up reading something about MF, this time I gave it a lot more thought and added an MF site to my favorites to check out later.
In the meantime I started noticing that a co-worker was beginning to look a lot smaller and for some reason this bothered me. Part of me wanted to ask her if she was losing weight or if I was just losing my mind but I never got up the nerve to talk to her about it. I chalked her new look up to her being an "older" woman who may just be getting smaller because she's aging. But each week as I passed her I noticed that she seemed to be shrinking. *shrugs and scratches head* It still bothered me for some reason. September had come and gone and then in October I saw the co-worker in passing and now I KNEW she was shrinking and it wasn't my imagination. I still could not get up the nerve to ask her about it so I simply told her that I loved her new jacket and made small talk. Luckily for me another co-worker walked up and asked her what she had been doing to wittle away so fast (trust me I really TRIED to act like I wasn't listening anymore) but my bionic ear kicked into overdrive. She said she was doing MF! I was blown away and before I could stop my mouth from speaking I blurted out " NO EFFING WAY!!!" *embarrassing moment - trust me* Annoyed, they took their conversation down the hall and I returned to my desk to "think" about what I'd just heard. I checked my "favorite" websites and checked out the MF site again.
One week later I went to my OLD job to have lunch with a friend. We quickly caught up with one another's lives and then I saw someone out of the corner of my eye who looked really familiar but not familiar...ya know? I did a triple take and then finally asked my lunch date if that was "so and so" we used to work with. I was told that indeed it was and that the woman was crazy because she had been doing MF and was too dang skinny (I didn't agree about the crazy part). I thought she looked great, so I got up and proceeded to go tell her just that. She was glad to see me and told me about her experience on the program. When I got home that evening I decided I would spend time with Google and do some research, once again on MF.
The next day I found my shrinking co-worker and got up the nerve to talk to her about MF. She was more than happy to talk to me about it and gave me a lot of great advice and precautions regarding MF. The precaution was to think long and hard about MF if I really wanted to do it and don't start until I was sure I was going to commit 100 percent to allowing the plan to work. So for the next 3 weeks I did nothing but research and think about the plan. I'm glad I didn't rush into it because last week on one of my searches I googled (MF + Forum) and found this site. If I had any doubts they vanished as I began reading a journal for "Tawanda" (I think that was the name of the journal).
So Wednesday I finally decided I'd purchase the MF plan with the intention to start the Satuday after Thanksgiving. I called Nancy and had the most pleasant conversation I've ever had with a complete stranger. I hung up the phone EXTREMELY excited about starting the program and although it has only been ONE day of waiting I feel like it's been a week!
I realize that maybe when LIFE (or your guardian angel) is trying to give you answers to problems that we have to be open to seeing what it's trying to show us. I wanted a solution to my weight problem and luckily my angel showed it to me over and over again until I finally woke up and noticed what was in my face all along! (ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE right?) I know that the next 7 days will go by SUPER slow...but I plan to spend the time preparing for the plan and getting my mind right! LOL! My mind needs to release the stress, tension, and constant anxiety I seem to feel regarding losing all control over my life. I have not been finishing what I start because I keep losing focus of what my goals are and this relates to all aspects of my life, not just weight. I think when my daughter graduated high school two years ago I realized I had nothing to focus on anymore but ME and I wasn't really ready to do that so I didn't. BUT - I have since come to the conclusion that if I want to enjoy my 40's (and 50's and 60's) without regrets, I have to start facing this weight issue as well as a few other issues/goals that I have put off dealing with.
I think my food will be here by Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. *fingers crossed* I'm sure I'll drive myself nuts in the interim. I have no plans to do a lot for Thanksgiving so I may start that Friday... I certainly do not have plans of stuffing myself so you never know.
WHEW! *what a ramble*
I'm here.
I'm ready.
Bring it!