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Postby CGal67 » June 16th, 2008, 10:28 am

Where to start?? First of all, I have not stopped using the MF products but I have had a couple of months where I was out of product.

I had high hopes for the year 2008 and although it is far from over I feel like this year has been the pits so far.

I have been sick since February...part of that time I had no idea I was sick. I went to the doctor to find out why my ear was aching and was told I had no ear infection so therefor nothing was wrong with me. I had Sinus surgery June 11,2007 and thought my sinus issues were pretty much over and done with.

In early April I started having sharp pains shooting through the back of my head, sometimes it felt like someone was squeezing my brain and of course I immediately feared the worse - I was having a stroke or a brain tumor. My new doctor put me on all sort of drugs to "stop the pain" but they didn't work...however they did manage to add water weight/or weight in general.

Two weeks ago I went back to the doctor because the pain seemed to be getting worse and I seriously could not sleep at night (mostly out of fear of dying in my sleep) and my sleep apnea was getting worse too. This time they did a C.T. Scan and found out that I have a sinus infection which has spread from my sinuses to other parts of my head. So it's back on the Prednisone and other heavy antibiotics - something I didnt really want to do but realize that I HAVE to do it.

As of today, I'm actually not sure what my weight is. I'm scared of the scale since taking all these medications. I may force myself on tomorrow morning to see where I am.


Good news is I got a lot of MF supply donated to me by someone who no longer needs the program as she has surpassed her goal weight (2 big boxes full of things I love - puddings, oatmeal, shakes etc). Not matter what my current weight is, I know that I have until November to reach my goal...and hope to do that. I may have to have surgery again sometime this summer but I asked if I could still use the program during recovery and was told it would be no problem (they originally wanted me on a liquid diet because I'm having my tonsils removed as well).

Anyway, we'll see how things go. And by the way I got a new computer and it has a camera built into it...so I may be able to take some photos when I figure out how to work it. :D

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Postby lifelovinaries » June 16th, 2008, 1:43 pm

hey girl, good to see you back here. i was just thinking 'bout you last week. Ok, you have been goin thru A LOT!!!! How's grammie doing? As far as the meds...we all know that steroids (i.e., prednisone) can cause weight gain but at least the docs have ok'd you to do MF, hopefully counteracting any possible gains. I don't get to post anywhere near as much as i used to because of my work schedule and my son's baseball schedule. I only get to pop in from time to time to try to keep up (so at least when i get to return full time :) ) i won't feel so lost. A while ago, we were having server issues here (moving REAL SLOW) and quite a few (including myself) dropped off because of the lack of speed. BUT, now we have had speed for a while but not everyone has returned. Just catchin you up a little...

Either way, i'm glad to see you back, hopefully here to stay! Don't be afraid of the scale, it is reality (good and bad) and at least you will have a good picture of what you are about to do. Keep your eye on the prize, girlie. Hang in there and we are still here for support. Well, i'm gettin ready to head to a baseball game! TTYL!

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Postby Tawanda » June 17th, 2008, 7:44 am

Welcome back! You've been through so much but I admire you for not just feeling like throwing in the towel. You've had challenges but are determined to get the weight off--with that attitude you will be successful!

So glad you are back!
Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Postby Sojourner » June 18th, 2008, 7:46 pm

:wave: Hiya, Carrie ~ welcome back!!

Shake it gone, babeee!!!
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30 days

Postby CGal67 » August 19th, 2009, 7:04 pm

I have had a long year. Here's the drive by:

Reached low weight of 170.
Bad Mammo (I sort of ignored it)
Stopped MF
Another Bad Mammo
Started lean and green only.
Reached low weight of 160.
Breast biopsy. (ouch)
Received recommendations for partial mastectomy.
Gained 20 pounds (Stess...stopped L&G, Stopped caring)
Avoided surgery advice for 4 months.
Lost 10 of the regain.
Got sick..due to low potassium. (This is followed by weeks of mass doc appointments and tests)
Doctor recommends bad RX (gained 17lbs in two weeks !!!) Not cool at all and really bad side effects.
Surgery - partial mastectomy (No cancer but precancerous???) Either way I'm safe for now.
July 2009 - back to 200lbs
August 2009 - Doc says I can start back to the gym and resume diet plan. Watch potassium level via routine blood draw.

I'm back.
This plan worked for me and I really found it to be the easiest thing to stick to. Lean and green works too but my doc thinks I was not getting enough of "something" which he thinks caused me to be sick. Honestly, I think I was stressed and simply not eating well. *shrugs* Either way. I'm plump and juicy mainly due to his drug recommendations so trust and believe that as soon as I had a clean blood draw, I stopped taking the pills. I bought a juicer to make green shakes...something that I have started to enjoy so that will probably serve as my L&G for the first 30 days back on plan.

My goal is no longer something I can play with. The chances that my precancerous cells will return or show up in the other breast are reasonably high.

Regardless. I have a date with a size 8.

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Going well

Postby CGal67 » August 26th, 2009, 2:45 pm

It's been about week back on plan and things are going well. I'm a few pounds down and just returned to the gym

Hope all is well with everyone.

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Re: C-Gal

Postby Tawanda » August 28th, 2009, 11:07 am

YES!!! Congratulations and I hope you are leading the rest of us towards success, too. :)
Began MediFast 2/10/07 212#
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Reached Goal 1/25/10 147# Maintaining :)
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