I had high hopes for the year 2008 and although it is far from over I feel like this year has been the pits so far.
I have been sick since February...part of that time I had no idea I was sick. I went to the doctor to find out why my ear was aching and was told I had no ear infection so therefor nothing was wrong with me. I had Sinus surgery June 11,2007 and thought my sinus issues were pretty much over and done with.
In early April I started having sharp pains shooting through the back of my head, sometimes it felt like someone was squeezing my brain and of course I immediately feared the worse - I was having a stroke or a brain tumor. My new doctor put me on all sort of drugs to "stop the pain" but they didn't work...however they did manage to add water weight/or weight in general.
Two weeks ago I went back to the doctor because the pain seemed to be getting worse and I seriously could not sleep at night (mostly out of fear of dying in my sleep) and my sleep apnea was getting worse too. This time they did a C.T. Scan and found out that I have a sinus infection which has spread from my sinuses to other parts of my head. So it's back on the Prednisone and other heavy antibiotics - something I didnt really want to do but realize that I HAVE to do it.
As of today, I'm actually not sure what my weight is. I'm scared of the scale since taking all these medications. I may force myself on tomorrow morning to see where I am.
Good news is I got a lot of MF supply donated to me by someone who no longer needs the program as she has surpassed her goal weight (2 big boxes full of things I love - puddings, oatmeal, shakes etc). Not matter what my current weight is, I know that I have until November to reach my goal...and hope to do that. I may have to have surgery again sometime this summer but I asked if I could still use the program during recovery and was told it would be no problem (they originally wanted me on a liquid diet because I'm having my tonsils removed as well).
Anyway, we'll see how things go. And by the way I got a new computer and it has a camera built into it...so I may be able to take some photos when I figure out how to work it.
