I have not been around because I have not been buying supplements...this was not intentional just due to crazy circumstances.
SO after getting all the repairs done on my Jeep and paying just under $4000.00 for everything I thought I would recover within a few paychecks and be back on track.
I still had quite a bit of supplements left (and still have some) but most of it was things I don't like to eat. I did some trading with a co-worker and tried to cut back so I could still be somewhat in compliance. Well, just before I was due to order supps for February, someone smashed into my Jeep while it was parked in front of my house!!! No one seen anything and I have to tap into my uninsured motorist coverage to get the Jeep repaired.

The past week I have been at 183.2...and holding...while my body adjusts to getting rehydrated. In the meantime I received a small box of supplements, some Momentum flavor infusions and feel like things are settling down a bit. I still have not got my jeep repaired but I will get a final estimate on the damages tomorrow and go from there.
I used to be able to "talk" to a few close friends when I got too stressed but it seems like this last bout was turned inward and I just felt depressed and irritable and didn't feel like talking to anyone. Luckily I didn't move up in pounds but I'm not really proud of my choices over the last 4 weeks.
My PC is still half ass working but for now it will have to do...the Jeep is far more important.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by to check up on me.