I mean I did some damage to the bank account today...not all of it was bad, but not all was good either. But it sure did FEEL great doing it though.
So to sum it up, I bought the scales, the 3 pairs of pants for work, a pair of work shoes and some MAC makeup. (needed items)
Now on to the bad stuff...
...I bought 3 pairs of tennis shoes!! WHY? I'm not 15 years old but I wanted one all white pair of tennis shoes that I could sneak and wear to work on jeans day. Then I bought a pair of "walking/running" shoes - so I can walk of course. And lastly I bought another pair of all white sneakers...I'm not sure why other than my feet looked tiny in them.

Luckily I came to my senses and left the mall before I bought other things.
All in all I bet I spent over a thousand dollars today. NUTS!!! It's sort of strange though. I feel like I need to take the attention off me looking bad while I embark on this new plan. Maybe this is due to the fact that I will not be telling anyone that I am doing it (long story) but the only people I've told is my cousin and the shrinking co-worker. My cousin knows because I was trying to get her to do it with me since she lives with me, but she hasn't made up her mind. Most of my co-workers do not need to know. Once you reveal a plan to change your "diet" or to go the gym, people have nothing but [color=black]false positive things to say. (I say false positive because although they mean well it always sounds negative to me).
I would never EVER tell the men I date that I was doing something new. The first things out of their mouth would be, "Do you want to go to dinner next week?" LOL! So just pretend to be extremely busy and not have time to do much with both friends and the MEN.
I am exhausted! The mall was awfully full today. I haven't been there in a long time since I don't like mall mirrors much, but I can't seem to figure out how everyone is there spending money when it seems like they should all be BROKE. The economy sucks! Most folks I know have limited funds these day because they are busy filling up their gas tanks so they can go to the mall and "window shop"! Go Figure!
So I had a salad and a Lobster tail for dinner. I guess I will have another protein shake before I retire for the evening...although that will only be 4 meals. I guess I really need to get in the swing of the 6 mini meals a day thing...and also drinking more water. I suck at drinking water and I know that it will hinder me if I don't try SUPER hard to reach my water intake goals.
Got to run...I need water, it's hot in here.