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Postby CGal67 » November 17th, 2007, 10:23 pm

Sooooo, the only thing that even comes close to the pleasure one gets in overeating is overSPENDING!!


I mean I did some damage to the bank account today...not all of it was bad, but not all was good either. But it sure did FEEL great doing it though.

So to sum it up, I bought the scales, the 3 pairs of pants for work, a pair of work shoes and some MAC makeup. (needed items)

Now on to the bad stuff...

...I bought 3 pairs of tennis shoes!! WHY? I'm not 15 years old but I wanted one all white pair of tennis shoes that I could sneak and wear to work on jeans day. Then I bought a pair of "walking/running" shoes - so I can walk of course. And lastly I bought another pair of all white sneakers...I'm not sure why other than my feet looked tiny in them. :mrgreen:

Luckily I came to my senses and left the mall before I bought other things.

All in all I bet I spent over a thousand dollars today. NUTS!!! It's sort of strange though. I feel like I need to take the attention off me looking bad while I embark on this new plan. Maybe this is due to the fact that I will not be telling anyone that I am doing it (long story) but the only people I've told is my cousin and the shrinking co-worker. My cousin knows because I was trying to get her to do it with me since she lives with me, but she hasn't made up her mind. Most of my co-workers do not need to know. Once you reveal a plan to change your "diet" or to go the gym, people have nothing but [color=black]false positive
things to say. (I say false positive because although they mean well it always sounds negative to me).

I would never EVER tell the men I date that I was doing something new. The first things out of their mouth would be, "Do you want to go to dinner next week?" LOL! So just pretend to be extremely busy and not have time to do much with both friends and the MEN.

I am exhausted! The mall was awfully full today. I haven't been there in a long time since I don't like mall mirrors much, but I can't seem to figure out how everyone is there spending money when it seems like they should all be BROKE. The economy sucks! Most folks I know have limited funds these day because they are busy filling up their gas tanks so they can go to the mall and "window shop"! Go Figure!

So I had a salad and a Lobster tail for dinner. I guess I will have another protein shake before I retire for the evening...although that will only be 4 meals. I guess I really need to get in the swing of the 6 mini meals a day thing...and also drinking more water. I suck at drinking water and I know that it will hinder me if I don't try SUPER hard to reach my water intake goals.

Got to run...I need water, it's hot in here.

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Postby bikipatra » November 18th, 2007, 7:27 am

CGal67 wrote:Sooooo, the only thing that even comes close to the pleasure one gets in overeating is overSPENDING!!

I'm still there. In the beginning I was buying lots of things, like 41 items of BCBG clothes off Ebay, now I am buying things like 1800 hand bags. This month I only made one big expenditure. 400 bucks for a scarf and earmuffs, the ones the saleslady asked if they were for my daughter. :| I got an expensive coat too but my husband paid for it. I needed heels for my photoshoot and was so proud of myself for going to Nine West and getting some cheapo heels especially since earlier that day I had been browsing for shoes at the Jimmy Choo store! I love the way you called MAC makeup "needed" items. I think I have enough makeup to last until I am 80 but still think I "need" more.
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Postby CGal67 » November 18th, 2007, 10:53 am

bikipatra wrote:
CGal67 wrote:Sooooo, the only thing that even comes close to the pleasure one gets in overeating is overSPENDING!!

I love the way you called MAC makeup "needed" items. I think I have enough makeup to last until I am 80 but still think I "need" more.

Sista girl (Biki),

You just don't know...that MAC makeup WAS a needed item! LOL! I have been digging makeup out of the corner of the container for 2 months now. I was avoiding Nordstrom because my last visit there I let the sales lady sell me some crap makeup that made me look like I was going to be buried at my funeral the next day. (Made me look ashen) So instead of me taking it back I simply sulked and complained about it. I finally stepped back into Nordy's yesterday and bought the makeup I really wanted! I suppose I should be thankful that I didn't see any shoes that I liked in there...or my bill would have been higher.

Oh well. *shrugs*

Today is my bowling league day. I got on the scale this morning and it read 207.6. I attribute that tiny loss to all the walking in the mall! LOL! I was sweating up a storm going from store to store.

I need to go downstairs and make a shake but I wanted to check in here first since I may just keep on walking out the front door after I go down stairs. My hair looks nice, makeup is flawless and I'm in a flirty mood! :D

I really wanted to make an omelette today but decided that may be a little much so early in the morning. (10 am is not early but I just woke up at 8) :roll:

My daughter thinks all my tennis shoes are cute and was shocked that I bought them. * I am too, now that I've come to my senses* But I do feel better binge shopping than I would have felt binge eating. *I know I have issues....but I'll work them out*

Anyway...I still need to go to Costco some time today. Hopefully I don't spend too much there.

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Postby CGal67 » November 18th, 2007, 10:58 am

OH YEAH...before I forget to ask...and please don't laugh at me. But anyone who may be reading this...can you please tell me what an NSV is? (or was it NVS?)

Anyway, it may be a dumb question but I could not figure out what those letters stand for for the life of me. :oops:
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 18th, 2007, 11:04 am

NSV - Non scale victory. Little things like pants fitting better even though the scale hasn't moved, people recognizing that you have lost weight...etc.

Just in case, here are a couple others:

OP - on plan
DH (W) - Dear Husband (wife)

those are the only ones that come to mind for now and you might have already figured them out.

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Postby CGal67 » November 18th, 2007, 11:14 am

Thank you Erica!! I appreciate that because I could not figure that for nothing! LOL!
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Postby Out*With*The*Old » November 18th, 2007, 11:19 am

Hiya CGal :wave:!

I wanted to drop in and welcome you to the program and to the forum. I'm also 5'2 and totally get the whole big boned thing :). Growing up, I was between 105-110 though and you're so right, no one ever called me big boned (but I did kinda feel it :) ).

Good luck on the program. I think you're going to rock and roll - your head totally sounds like it is in the right place and you sound ready to shed the pounds! Good luck! Today is day 47 on the program for me and I have been 100% compliant and for the most part its been a breeze. I commited to 100% compliance until I reach goal - - so far so good.

Welcome and best of luck to you!!
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Postby CGal67 » November 18th, 2007, 11:23 am

Out*With*The*Old wrote:Hiya CGal :wave:!

I wanted to drop in and welcome you to the program and to the forum. I'm also 5'2 and totally get the whole big boned thing :). Growing up, I was between 105-110 though and you're so right, no one ever called me big boned (but I did kinda feel it :) ).

Good luck on the program. I think you're going to rock and roll - your head totally sounds like it is in the right place and you sound ready to shed the pounds! Good luck! Today is day 47 on the program for me and I have been 100% compliant and for the most part its been a breeze. I commited to 100% compliance until I reach goal - - so far so good.

Welcome and best of luck to you!!

That is SOOOO impressive!! I think I was commenting on your journal at the same time you left this message! I hope to do the same - remain 100% compliant!! Thanks for the well wishes!!
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Postby lifelovinaries » November 18th, 2007, 11:52 am

Alrighty cgal...i'm gonna bite...What did YOU see when you first read my name, lifelovinaries?

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Postby Mickeyz » November 18th, 2007, 11:56 am


Welcome, welcome,welcome! :wave:

I have enjoyed your journal and you sound like you have your head on straight to get your weight off. You have come to the right place.

I did MF 3 years ago and lost weight and kept off 30 lbs and then I came back and have taken off over 50# and made goal! :D

First of all, as Tee said, going off plan can be a very slippery slope. I wish I could say I got to goal by being completely compliant (I so admire Babytrace for her dedication) but I went off for a day or two here and there. I don't encourage it at all; it is just what I did. Yes, I still made goal but it is hard to get back on plan. Some go off and never get back. It takes days to get back to ketosis and can be a trying time.

I have wondered to myself while on MF if this is a ruler for friends. :? Some are very supportive and always give positive feedback and some seem almost angry that I would have the nerve to actually lose weight (and be thinner than them!). It is sort of like money...taboo to talk about but everyone thinks about it. I try to forgive my friends that have sort of shunned me during my weight loss; it must be causing them anguish over their own weight issues.

I haven't heard you mention exercise. Any plans there? Just remember to give your body a chance to adjust to MF first and then start slow and easy.

Well I am off to go shopping. Just a little. Then I am going for two days next week to San Francisco, I love love love the Macys at Union Square. Come on, a girl has to have a little fun once in a while!
Reached Goal Nov 2007 61.5 lbs lost
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Postby CGal67 » November 18th, 2007, 12:18 pm

Mickeyz wrote:Hi CGAL

Welcome, welcome,welcome! :wave:

I have enjoyed your journal and you sound like you have your head on straight to get your weight off. You have come to the right place.

I have wondered to myself while on MF if this is a ruler for friends. :? Some are very supportive and always give positive feedback and some seem almost angry that I would have the nerve to actually lose weight (and be thinner than them!). It is sort of like money...taboo to talk about but everyone thinks about it. I try to forgive my friends that have sort of shunned me during my weight loss; it must be causing them anguish over their own weight issues.

I haven't heard you mention exercise. Any plans there? Just remember to give your body a chance to adjust to MF first and then start slow and easy.


Hey there Mickey!

I will be walking and doing pushups. At least that is the only plan for now. I walk alot and get too restless to do absolutely nothing - plus, I do like to get a littel glucose burned out of the muscles so I can burn some fat. *maybe a few squats here and there for the thighs* But nothing like aerobics or anything.

Yeah, I have alway given my friends support when they chose a weight loss plan and even told them how fabulous they were doing and how great they looked! But when I've done things I get NOTHING from them but flack and discouragement. I feel as if they want to feel superior to me for being the only ones in the group who look "fly" when we go out together. *girls night out, ya know?*

I sort of anticipate a few of my "work buds" who will be irritated that I lose weight. They are used to me dropping 10 -15 pounds here and there but I don't think they will be all that friendly to me when it becomes 30-40 or if I start to lose a significant amount of INCHES. There is one who is about my size and she probably loves not being the only one in the office with a big ole butt and big thighs! She's my friend but I know she is not going to like this one bit. Sooooo, some things are better left unsaid - she'll just have to experience the mind games I did when I was checking out the "shrinking friend".

Anyway. CONGRATS on the Medallion, maintenance is a scary thought *for me that is*. Please share any advice you come across along the way on the Maintenance journey!

Thanks for the welcome!!
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Postby bikipatra » November 18th, 2007, 2:10 pm

Thanks for reminding me to do my pushups today! I am going to do them right now!
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Postby Lauren » November 19th, 2007, 7:56 am

Hey, CGal, I wanted to welcome you on board! It's great to "hear" your enthusiasm, that's what it takes to make this work! You have to have that "take no prisoners" attitude, which Tawanda also mentioned, that's the good stuff that will make you soar!

To that end, let me also agree with everything Miss Tawanda recommended. Most people here know that I've not been shy about my opinions on the best (read: easiest) way to attack the program, and that's to stay 100% compliant. I know over email/boards it can come off sounding so self-congratulatory or self-righteous or judgemental or any other description, but I started MF in November of 2005 and followed 100% compliance through goal, my first goal, which I reached at the very end of November of 2006 (lost 156 pounds), and then my final goal weight (total loss of 165) within weeks of that. I will have successfully maintained my goal weight for a year in just a couple weeks.

I say all this not to be cocky (I know it sounds it, but I swear if you hear my voice, it's not, it's just PRIDE). I say this, and repeat it, to motivate and to let people here know that anything is possible. It sounds like you had that "click" in the brain, which is exactly what I had. As soon as I decided to do MF, I devoured every bit of knowledge I could on it, I read the Quick Start guide a million times, researched foods, made sure I understood everything. I basically took this on as the-most-important-thing-in-my-life. It became everything. I decided that the excuses we use, having to "be there" for family, or too busy at work, or some occasion coming up - they were all just excuses keeping me from living the life that I DESERVED TO LIVE. This is your opportunity to reclaim happiness. If everyone you love deserves to be happy and healthy, why don't you?

You are going to kick butt on this, I can feel it. So, Cgal, take no prisoners!

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Postby CGal67 » November 19th, 2007, 12:10 pm

Lauren wrote:Hey, CGal, I wanted to welcome you on board! It's great to "hear" your enthusiasm, that's what it takes to make this work! You have to have that "take no prisoners" attitude, which Tawanda also mentioned, that's the good stuff that will make you soar!

To that end, let me also agree with everything Miss Tawanda recommended. Most people here know that I've not been shy about my opinions on the best (read: easiest) way to attack the program, and that's to stay 100% compliant. I know over email/boards it can come off sounding so self-congratulatory or self-righteous or judgemental or any other description, but I started MF in November of 2005 and followed 100% compliance through goal, my first goal, which I reached at the very end of November of 2006 (lost 156 pounds), and then my final goal weight (total loss of 165) within weeks of that. I will have successfully maintained my goal weight for a year in just a couple weeks.

I say all this not to be cocky (I know it sounds it, but I swear if you hear my voice, it's not, it's just PRIDE). I say this, and repeat it, to motivate and to let people here know that anything is possible. It sounds like you had that "click" in the brain, which is exactly what I had. As soon as I decided to do MF, I devoured every bit of knowledge I could on it, I read the Quick Start guide a million times, researched foods, made sure I understood everything. I basically took this on as the-most-important-thing-in-my-life. It became everything. I decided that the excuses we use, having to "be there" for family, or too busy at work, or some occasion coming up - they were all just excuses keeping me from living the life that I DESERVED TO LIVE. This is your opportunity to reclaim happiness. If everyone you love deserves to be happy and healthy, why don't you?

You are going to kick butt on this, I can feel it. So, Cgal, take no prisoners!


I love this message!! Thank you so much for the welcome and the WISE words! I have not been this excited to start something in a LONG long LONG time! I got the message today that my package shipped out on Friday evening so hopefully I have my goodies tomorrow I can't wait!

I really appreciate your honesty and I don't think you sounded cocky at all - and even IF that were how you intended to sound, why NOT?? Heck if I reached the goal you reached I would too!

I have been walking around all weekend with this goofy grin on my face - because I have a huge secret. It really took everything in me not to tell anyone about WHY I was smiling so much.

Again - Thanks!!

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Postby CGal67 » November 19th, 2007, 1:01 pm

"Self discipline is that which, next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another." - Joseph Addison

(Cool quote of the day)


BOWLING is going to be a Hot Zone for me so I need to be mindful of that and be strong for the 3 hours I bowl each week. Luckily since I'm not a snacker I dont think anything about all the junk everyone munches on at bowling, but the drinks - that is going to be a challenge on occasion. I don't think it will bother me every week, but I do think it will bother me sometimes. I may have to bring "focused" reading materials with me to bowling to keep my mind busy between my turns up to bowl. Usually when I read I don't pay attention to the people around me - and don't get distracted by the alcohol. Once football season ends, it will help too - I LOVE football! (GO SEAHAWKS!)

So yesterday I had the most wonderful daydream. I was picturing myself in a future state with some body fat burned off and was thinking about how someone was looking at me wondering...just wondering if I am getting smaller. LMAO! Then Kevin (my bowling teammate) woke me up from my daydream asking me what I was smiling about. I almost told him because Kevin did Atkins a while back the same year that I lost weight he dropped half a person. He looked great but he put it all back on and MORE. But I'll wait. If he asks me after I am past the 60 day mark, I'll tell him.

I finally went to Costco too. They had a treadmill and elliptical trainer there that were both reasonably priced. The problem is even though I have a 4 bedroom house, I don't have one room big enough to put that thing in. :( I wish I did though, so it looks like my best bet will be to use all the things I already have on file (my Reebok "step" bench workout, Slim in Six tapes, Power 90 tapes, my mini trampoline, and my exercise weight bands) I actually have never done the Power 90 tapes - I haven't even opened the box. The
p90 workouts they show on TV look waaaaay too intense to me. But maybe as I slim up a bit I may try them out.


My doctor just called and confirmed that I have Moderate Sleep Apnea! BUMMER! I refuse to even think about wearing a C-PAP mask and so my only other two choices for treatment are either the TAP Dental Device or another dang surgery to remove my tonsils and adenoids!

I want my food to hurry up and get here. I think if I can just lose the weight the whole condition will reverse. I didn't have problems when I was fit/thin.

Well, I'm feeling a little bummed - I'll be back in a bit.

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