Gain of 1.5

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Gain of 1.5

Postby FORMOMMY » May 21st, 2006, 8:52 am

I put this inthe Roll Call section but decided to post it on its own too.

Well, I am up 1.5 pounds this week since having to add calories due to my knee situation. It actually goes up and down every day but for the purposes of this roll call I will claim the poundage. I've had a tough couple of days - I think I did something to inflame my knee which has made the pain increase again. UGH!!! Yup - still using meds and ice. I have managed to do PT 3 times last week and am scheduled for 3 more times this week. Still can't drive so that's a bummter - although hubby has been great about chauffering me back and forth to work.

I am a little down because it is 3 weeks to my nieces wedding and my mini goal of having 50 pounds off - but you guys already know that since I've whined enough about it. But I am not discouraged or throwing my hands up in the air....just a blimp in the road and I know that. Just still need to vent again. Thanks to all for listening.
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Postby supermom » May 21st, 2006, 9:13 am

You may be up 1.5, but that is okay. In the grand scheme of things, that is minor. You are doing the right thing by increasing your calories to allow your bod to heal. You will be able to get if off soon enough. Don't beat yourself up over it. Keep your chin up!!
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Postby Diana » May 21st, 2006, 10:41 pm

Don't worry about the 1.5, Michelle. I know, that's easier said than done. Please remember you've just had SURGERY!!

Even if you don't have the lbs off, you might have the inches off. And if anyone asks, just round!!

Be gentle with yourself. I wanted to be in a size 24 by summer -- I'm still not in a size 26. So, I understand the disappointment. But in the past these kinds of disappointments became too much and I eventually left other programs. I'm determined not to let it happen this time. I have finally realized that my body's going to shed the fat when it's good and ready and, really, if I'm doing all I can to be true to the program, there's nothing I can do about the rate. (Just ask Dogma!)

Concentrate on enjoying the wedding. I'm sure you'll look fabulous, and only you have to know you didn't meet a goal. Walk in as if you met it LAST month.

Cheers, and hang in there.
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Postby sheila » May 22nd, 2006, 2:32 pm

Michelle, you are still doing very good. My thoughts on this are the same as my HA Becky, the weeks when you arent losing pounds, perhaps you are losing inches, I mean, if we are doing the program, we cant help but lose SOMETHING!!! Right?So, dont feel bad, you are doing great. :-P
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Postby DogMa » May 22nd, 2006, 2:43 pm

I always gain when I'm injured - I think it's the swelling that causes water retention. I'd focus more on getting well and not worry too much. It'll come off soon enough.

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Postby FORMOMMY » May 22nd, 2006, 7:12 pm

You guys are truly the best! I can't believe how supportive you all have been through my tirads about not meeting a silly mini goal.

Diana - I agree about on other programs this is when I would fail and never recover...but not this time! I KNOW this plan works and I KNOW that I will reach my ultimate goal. Maybe not when I had hoped and planned - the best laid plans as Vicky said - but I will eventually win this battle.

I thank you all for your prayers and your encouragement. I will definitel enjoy the wedding and still feel good that I will be getting a dress probably in the size of 18 instead of a 24! Now THAT has to be something to cheer about :)
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil 4:13

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