Thanks, all, for the thoughtful replies. I'm not sure if I reply at the end of these messages how it will post. I have a few things to say to all of you.
To start, I was getting a bit freaked out last night about being on the fast for a few weeks, obviously.
I know from the way I feel today and right now that I'm still "fine" and not in danger of dwindling starvation. However, I notice the power of the feeling of doing this, and a kind of power I'm not the least bit used to. I'm more used to being my food's "toy".
Sylvia, you've got the kind of success that I'm looking for, and thanks for taking the time to describe your experience. I have bad memories of the times I tried losing weight and got stuck, and the thing that usually happened was that I stopped if the weight loss stopped. Of course, sometimes it was just an excuse for me. As disgusting as it is, there are times I have liked eating off plan and too much in spite of the grief if would no doubt cause me almost immediately. At times, I have no foresight and give into to what I want NOW instead of what I really want. Seems you have a miniscule 20-something-little pounds to go; bet it happens before you're expecting it to, but it's to your credit to be patient and able to wait for your own speed.
Triskets, yes, it was I, from work, and I neglected to sign in. I'm glad that we can talk about the challenges we face this week and others to come. I'll be so glad to be clear of this Friday, and I wish you the same with your activities. Re my friend, she's fairly abrupt. When she was mocking the low-carb, I'm sure she wasn't realizing that that's what I would've ordered (otherwise!!). Of course ME, well, I couldn't have the guts to go ahead and order what I would've, so as not to embarrass HER, etc... from such things/tendencies stem some of my hang-ups. I almost can't imagine meeting her with my shake for lunch, but if the opportunity comes up, I'll go just to improve my strength, maybe.
Nancy, you were amazing to lose all that weight and make such a transformation to Leopard Lady in a few weeks, relatively, and you're so kind to all of us that I want to thank you for putting a face on a new opportunity to succeed. And, what you did must have worked about as efficiently as possible to have accomplished that kind of loss. Everything you said about your choices is logical and is a promising model for any of us. As for me, I've lived a rich "diet life" and have been about as two-faced as one could be, telling myself how being thinner would make me happier all the while making bad decisions and messing up my own efforts. Unfortunately, I know I'm capable of being all too fickle re intent and effort and I'd love to see that change or find what I need to change it. This is about the most unrelated-to-failure approach I've taken, and I'm hoping it will be definitive. It really does feel like it could be just that. Thanks for the support of this Medifast community.