Full fast versus 5 and 1

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Full fast versus 5 and 1

Postby mommaof3boys » June 7th, 2006, 12:05 pm

I am frustrated!

Lost 4.5 pounds the first week and been stuck at the same weight ever since (almost to 4 weeks). Been sticking to plan like glue.

I went to the beach for the weekend and knocked myself out of ketosis by going off plan a bit - not terrible but I had to have cocktail sauce with my boiled shrimp and salad, and the handful of peanuts I had the day before didn't help either!

Now firmly back on plan - no gain while at beach - but I am trying to get "unstuck."

I am 5'6" and have a medium build - wearing size 8s now with an occasional 10. I know my goal is not unrealistic for my frame since that is where I spent all of my twenties. HOWEVER, now I am 38 and had 3 kids in 4 years . . . I should absolutely be able to lose at least 12 more pounds though - there is still plenty of extra fat scattered around!

All this to say, has anyone had success mixing up the full fast and the 5 and 1? My husband works some nights and on those nights it would be great to do all Medifast and just throw something together for the kids.

I am thinking this might get the scale moving again . . .

Any thoughts?
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Postby Serendipity » June 7th, 2006, 12:22 pm

I often mix it up by doing the full fast when it's more convenient than cooking a meal. I wouldn't, however, count on that to make you lose faster. There's not really that much difference overall between the two plans in the amount of total weight lost.

You don't have that much to lose, so it makes sense that you will lose it slower than someone who needs to lose alot. Just be patient, stick to the plan (no peanuts!), and it will come off......patience.
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Postby mommaof3boys » June 7th, 2006, 2:23 pm

I knew the peanuts were not a good idea! Starving and no supplement, which was my fault.

It has been slow slow slow.

Glad to know I can do both full fast and 5 and 1. I am sure it will be easier some days (but not today when I am in the throes of the 3 day "back to plan" misery)!
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Postby DogMa » June 7th, 2006, 2:27 pm

Cocktail sauce has tons of sugar, too, so that could easily knock you out of ketosis. Peanuts are also higher in carbs than most other nuts because they're not really nuts. And the salt from them could also have you retaining water.

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Postby mommaof3boys » June 7th, 2006, 5:00 pm

I think it was the cocktail sauce which did it - still in ketosis after the nuts, believe it or not.
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