Full Fast or 5&1

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Full Fast or 5&1

Postby JustJeni » February 26th, 2006, 3:39 pm

Okay I have about 45-50 pounds to lose and I was wondering if I should do the full fast or the 5&1???? I'm a little confused :o I should get my box this week! I just wanted to do the right thing!! Any advice would be great! I plan on starting March 6! Thanks in advance!
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Postby DogMa » February 26th, 2006, 4:07 pm

It depends. If you do the full fast, you'll need to see your doctor much more often (weekly, I believe). You don't need to do that if you do the 5 and 1.

Weight loss rates are supposed to be out the same.

Personally, I do the 5 and 1. If you look around some, you'll see a lot of threads discussing this and can read people's reasons for going with one or the other.

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Postby falisamarie » February 26th, 2006, 4:42 pm

I also do the 5&1 plan. I had considered doing the full fast but after reading posts from others who said the weight loss is the same I opted for the 5&1 and I am glad I did. The good thing with the 5&1 is that you are learning to eat "real" food the right way and the right amounts.

Good luck with your decision

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Postby Patti » February 27th, 2006, 5:24 am

Hi Jeni,

I am on the 5 & 1 plan. I couldn't do the full fast because I am too fond of chewing. I couldn't make it through a day if I didn't have my lean and green meal to look forward to :bib:

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Postby Helen » February 27th, 2006, 10:52 am

Hi Jenny,

I'm on the full fast and have been before in the past. For me it is a matter of convienence. I personally like the full fast because i dont have to think about what to eat and all i have to do is watch the clock for my next meal. no cooking or placing a take out order. but i believe if youre lifestyle doesnt permit you to do so or would make it harder, the 5 & 1 is a better fit. Best to you and cheers to losing! :cheers:
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Postby Bonnie » February 27th, 2006, 11:44 am

Hi Jeni

I think the 5 & 1 plan is the best way to go unless you think you might over eat with the lean and green. I did the 5 & 1 plan until I hit a plateau. I then went on the full plan for two days and then went back to the 5 & 1 plan and got past my plateau.

I lost all my weight on the 5 & 1 plan :D :D :D You can too :lol: :lol: :lol:

Keep us posted on how you do!!!

I lost 50lbs Through Take Shape for Life

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