Full Fast

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Full Fast

Postby PDX_Johnson » January 12th, 2004, 8:53 pm

I have one other question... I am interested in doing the full fast program. Are people eating the bars, chili and oatmeal on this program? Or is that only for the 5 and 1 program. It seems to me that a fast means you don't chew anything.
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Postby Jims Chick » January 12th, 2004, 9:17 pm

I am just ending my third day on the program. Over the weekend I had 3 shakes, 1 bar and chili for dinner.....today I had soup and crackers with my 3 shakes and a bar. To be honest, the shakes seem to be more filling than the bars, chili or soup. But I don't think I'd make it without the bars, chili or soup. When you've only had shakes for a couple of days...this medifast "food" is the best stuff you've ever eaten. I also have a couple of cups of bullion each day ..(.because Nancy said I could. )I don't know how my medifast choices would effect my weight loss, but so far I'm doing ok. Sometimes I wonder if I just did shakes I could probably lose faster....but I would probably be more likely to quit too :oops: Looking back through posts I kind of got the impression that the shakes alone would be better....faster...whatever. Needless to say...I MADE IT 3 DAYS!!! :yeah: Thanks guys for all your help!!!

P.S. The Broccoli soup with fresh ground pepper and just a bit of salt was soooooooooo good. I really think I could do this for an extended period of time!!
Julie :wave:
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Postby Unca_Tim » January 13th, 2004, 9:50 am

Hi PDX and welcome,
3 of your meals should be shakes and only 1 bar is allowed per day. There should be no measurable difference whether you have one of the meal replacement soups or chili. The key is continuous meals (every 3 hours) and dont miss your water. An extra shake on those active or extra long days is fine.
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Postby Donna501 » January 13th, 2004, 7:11 pm

I dont know if this helps any but this is the plan I stick with and it seems to work for me pretty well. I work at the police department and my day goes by fast and sometimes is out of control a bit ( I am a dispatcher plus answer 911 calls) plus I have twin girls that are 3 but this is my diet plan.

7am Oatmeal

9am 1st shake

11 or 12 (depending when i get a lunch ) soup

2 or 3 2nd shake

5-6 I eat boullion and a shake for dinner

sometimes if it has been a long day, i might eat about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of tuna around 8pm if I am still hungry, most of the time im not, just depends on the day, or what I eat in the evening. Sometimes for dinner I might have a small salad and some boullion. I know it is bad, but sometimes if we are very busy at work I might not get allllll my shakes in. I miss the 2nd one sometimes. But I DO get ALL my water in plus more. I have a big jug that holds 64oz of water and sometimes I might fill it twice. I seem to do alot better on the water part when I am at work then when I am off. Thank god I work 5 days and only off 2 haha. This seems to have worked for me. It got me 45lbs lighter...

stareted 10/11/03
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