Questions/Comments about Weight loss Products.


Postby HOPE » January 19th, 2006, 9:49 am

Can someone tell me if benifits me to do the full fast versus the modified? I have heard that the loss isnt all that much faster with the full. What about a day when Im not wanting to eat and would drink an extra meal replacement? IS that not a good idea?? Thanks !
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Full fast

Postby Jan » January 19th, 2006, 9:58 am

Hi Hope,
Welcome, I just spied you on the forum.
Now to your question. In my experience people do equally as well on the 5/1 and the full fast. The main difference is that people who do the full fast must me monitored by their Dr. I don't see a problem in having all meal replacements on days when you're really busy. They are soooo convenient and easy. But don't make this your routine habit unless you want to have a Dr. monitor you. It is much much better to have 6 meal replacements in a day than to skip a meal. When we skip meals -- the trouble begins and before we know it the hand had reached out :x and we've stuffed something in our mouth. It's the hands fault :mrgreen:
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Postby Nancy » January 19th, 2006, 10:18 am


The difference in the weight loss rate is truly minimal and the transition phase is considerably different. The 5 and 1 Program makes transition much easier and as Jan said, the complete meal replacement program must be under the direct supervision of a physician; a certified health advisor is not qualified.

We all have those harried days when we find it much easier to mix up a shake or grab a Ready To Drink as we are running out the door to a meeting but we also need the time to gather around the table with family and friends and enjoy a relaxing meal and get our emotional tanks filled as well as our tummies! Most days the 5 and 1 is the way to go!
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Postby MusicalMomma » January 19th, 2006, 10:24 am

Nancy wrote: but we also need the time to gather around the table with family and friends and enjoy a relaxing meal and get our emotional tanks filled as well as our tummies! Most days the 5 and 1 is the way to go!

AMEN Nancy!!!! My husband & I were considering the full fast, then after some time and prayer, realized it wasn't the best route for us. Well last night I made some garlic herb chicken and salad for my hubby and me...baked drum sticks for the kids (cheaper and kids like it better for some reason) and they ate the same thing we did, plus some rice pilaf.....WELL, my 5 year old looks at me and says "mommy, I love family dinners!". WOW, that felt good...we all ate a healthy meal and got our tummy AND love tank filled :)
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Postby Dayna » January 19th, 2006, 10:27 am

That's so cool, Joyce! Weight loss program bringing the family together! And through your family dinners, they'll be on the road to healthier lives, also. Your post gave me warm fuzzies. :D

- Dayna
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Postby Nancy » January 19th, 2006, 10:49 am


Just because some of us have foody issues is no reason the rest of the family needs to 'suffer' and do without our conversation and time. For those of you with young children, remember...the audience is listening and looking.

When we complain, moan and groan about having to be on a DIEt, when we treat this meal plan as 'punishment' and treat our loved ones in a cranky skanky way because we are mad and cheesed about 'having' to do it, we are teaching poor attitudes and relationships about food to our young-uns.

Food is fuel. That's it.


Nothing more.

It is not love.

It is not peace.

It is not encouragement.

It is not joy.

It is fuel.

The time together with family and friends, scratching Fluffy's chin and rubbing Fido's belly is when we get our emotional tanks filled and it is necessary. As needful as water and the air we breathe.

We do not have to have a platter of meat and a boatload of potaters and gravy to experience family together time. Sitting at the table sipping a cup of hot water can be a wonderful experience when we are tuned in to our partner, looking them in the eyeball, appreciating them for being who they be is far more gratifying and lovely to me than chomping down a bucket of fried chicken.

But that's just me. Now - it wasn't so 3.5 years ago. My thoughts and ideas about food have changed. You see I did not want to EVER have to undergo one more weight loss trip again. I knew I had to change my lifeSTYLE for life if I was to be a winner at the losing game. I determined to not allow food to become the center of my life ever again.

Don't get me wrong here, I love good food and I enjoy it but I do not enjoy it MORE than I enjoy my family and my health.

My foodiness got me into a world of obesity and my relationship with food was a toxic relationship. It was a relationship that I broke.

I seek relationships with people now, not inanimate objects like food and the scale - they do not add value to my life but people do.

Life’s a trip! I love my life and my family and friends…I do not miss Ben or Jerry or Haagen or Dazs or Sara Lee or Mrs. Smith or ….
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Postby HOPE » January 19th, 2006, 1:37 pm

Thanks Everyone!!!! I really do enjoy FOOD!! So I am more than happy to keep my lean and green and I Do believe in the part that meals bring the family together! I thank everyone for their input!!!!!
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