
Post your weight loss successes or failures here...:)


Postby LouLou » March 1st, 2005, 7:11 am

Hi everyone. I started Medifast the first time last March. I lost 37 pounds and then lost my way. I restarted January 7th--I had gained 10 pounds back. Since January 7th, I've lost 17.5 pounds. I'm happy about that, but getting frustrated at how slowly it is coming off this time. It's really hard to stay motivated when you only see a 1 pound loss, or even a 2 pound gain (like last week). But you all know that, right?

Anyway, I think that adding exercise to my program has hurt me. Does anyone else out there exercise? I started going to Gold's Gym and I love it. I do 30-35 minutes on the treadmill and then use 5 nautalis machines to stretch out the large muscle groups (quads, hamstrings, chest and abs). Nothing too major, just 1 set each of 12 reps. I really love how it makes me feel, but I've only lost 2.5 pounds in the 3 weeks since I joined.

I usually burn off about 180-220 calories during my treadmill workout. To counter that, I have an extra MF meal (usually a bar) either right before or right after my workout. Other than the extra bar, my schedule looks like this:

7:30 - shake
10:30/11:00 - shake
2:00 - shake
5:00/5:30 - shake/ lean and green / or bar
8:00 - shake or tropical punch
10:30 - shake or hot chocolate

I drink tons of water every day - usually 90+ ounces.

I feel like I"m doing things right, but I have to admit, I do succomb to what Nancy refers to as the BLTs (bites, licks and tastes) occasionally (usually when I'm cooking for the kids), but I don't believe I do that enough to sabotage myself.

I'm looking for any things you guys might notice that is messing me up. I have a long way to go (100+ pounds), and I really want to get there. Please help. I'm getting myself depressed and don't know whethter to break out the chips and salsa or go to the gym. It seems they both have the same effect.
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Postby cthrn007 » March 1st, 2005, 7:39 am

Good morning Loulou!! It's nice to meet ya!!

Let's see what one of the more experienced folks have to say but I just wanted to add a couple of things for reference.

I started "Project Catherine" (my big diet after getting dumped) on August 1st and lost 9.8 lbs before starting Medifast exactly January 7th! That's funny! I have lost exactly 20 lbs on Medifast since Jan 7th.

I am on the full fast but will add veggies or an extra shake if I have to in emergency food situations. :)

I exercise 1/2 of what I used to (30 mins cardio 4X a week and weight train with dumbells and steps at home 3X a week) because I feel better & look better that way. I added some Medifast 70 to drink before workout, bars after and added another 24 oz of water to my day totaling 124 oz a day... which is a LOT for me.

I stalled for a couple of weeks and have even had a 3 lb weight gain one week. I have the Tanita scale and it monitors water %, fat% and weight. It was right around that time of the month and the scale showed me it was all water %. It took a week and a half of worrying & being frustrated but then one day I was down 2 lbs. 1/2 the next day and 2 lbs over the next 2 days.

I think you are doing great! 20 lbs in less that two month is great!
Hang in there and the rough no weight loss weeks dropp off the week after.

Even though weight loss has been a bit slower for me I noticedI am dropping a clothes size every 2 weeks! Are things fitting better for you?? I know I am adding muscle and shedding fat...and we all know muscle weighs more, takes up less space and looks much better!

Just be careful what you are licking, tasting and dabbling into!! That is what got a lot of us here because that is what sneaks up on you that you don't realize. That is the ONLY thing I can say that you need to watch & maybe modify!

It's nice to meet trials and tribulations with us here because there are wonderful people you will realize are going throught the same thing you are and have some great ideas & encouragement to offer!

Keep on Shakin'!
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Postby Mrsshrinkinglady » March 1st, 2005, 7:44 am

Hi LouLou,
This is also my second time on MF. I was on it in 2002 and lost a lot of weight,and then gained it back over the years by not watching what I ate at all!
I have found that this time I am losing more quickly and I have eased off on my gym time compared to last time which was 5 days a week and included the treadmill, weight lifting and the recumbant bike.
This time around I only go 2-3 times a week and I concentrate more on
walking and riding my bike outside than the heavy gym routines.
Also this time I didn't even start working out until after my 2nd month on MF. It seems to have made a huge difference in my losses.
I am at 79 pounds gone in 19 weeks,and I still have 65 more to go to meet my goal.
Also I think you really have to watch the tasting while cooking for the family.
I think we don't realize just how much we are ingesting calorie and fat wise when we do this.
I hope this helps you some what and please if you have to choose between the gym and chips and salsa, take the gym,you will feel better both physically and emotionally. Don't give up on the gym just maybe cut back a little on your frequency for now and incorporate some other things like exercise videos on the days that you don't visit the gym to keep you motivated and feeling strong in your resolve to lose the weight!
God Bless and hang in there, it is worth it!!
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Postby Sylvia » March 1st, 2005, 8:40 am

It doesn't sound like you are exercising too much. I noticed a couple of things that might be stalling your progress. The first is those notorious BLT's. They are a no no. This program is easy but relatively unforgiving. A little cheating here and there can slow your loss and take you right out of ketosis. It's just not worth it.

Second, you mentioned you have a second bar some days when you exercise. You can and should only have one bar per day during the weight loss phase. In addition to having more calories, bars also have more carbs. You should add another shake or other non-bar supplement instead on the days you exercise and/or add a lean and green. You might also switch to the 70 shakes if you are currently using the 55's as the 70's have more protein.

I would suggest that you try to completely eliminate the BLT's and make sure to have no more than one bar per day and see if you see improvement.

Good Luck!

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Postby Nancy » March 1st, 2005, 1:07 pm

Hidy Ho, LouLou ~

First of all, you have already gotten excellent advice and I also want to thank you for listing your schedule. You are appropriately spacing your meals throughout the day and your water intake sounds adequate.

I totally concur with the others: NO BLTs. The adversely affect ketosis, slow weight loss rate, can increase hunger.

Exercise does affect weight loss, especially when a person is in the beginning stages. It seems that you have waited until you were through the first month of Medifasting to allow your body to begin to efficiently utilize the stored fat. When we begin an exercise routine or change an existing routine, our muscles are stressed and the body often sends extra fluids to the area, which can result in a temporary weight gain. Muscle does weigh more than flab and it can also increase or slow weight loss initially.

I don’t feel like your exercise is excessive. Give your bod a while to adjust to the new demands, be sure to allow enough sleep, too – as you are losing weight, toning and tightening plus the cardio, your body needs time to repair itself.

I have a few questions regarding your 5:30 meal.
5:00/5:30 - shake/ lean and green / or bar

Does this mean that you have a shake AND a Lean and Green or does it mean that you have a shake AND a Bar?

LouLou, remember, this is the 5 and 1 plan. If I understand correctly, you are having 5 shakes a day, a lean and green meal and one bar. Is that correct?

I would not have that bar or the shake WITH the lean and green. Here’s how I’d do it –

7:30 - shake

10:30/11:00 - shake

2:00 - shake - is this when you have your workout? If so, follow it up with a shake OR a bar right after your workout about 3 PM

5:00/5:30 - lean and green

8:00 - shake or tropical punch

10:30 - shake or hot chocolate

Are you experiencing any hunger at all?

No more kiddy left-over tidbits, Little Darlin’!
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Postby LouLou » March 1st, 2005, 7:32 pm

Thanks to everyone for the advice. I know I need to cut out the BLTS. I'm taking it one meal at a time. Today -- no cheats at all!!!!

I was really worried that I would hear that I need to cut out my exercise program until I get closer to goal--I'm so glad that is NOT the case!!! I went to the gym tonight on my way home and I feel great!

Nancy -- the 5:00/5:30 meal is either a shake, a lean and green or a bar. On the days I go to the gym, I usually do a lean and green to get some extra calories. The other days, I do the fullfast. On the full fast days, that meal is either a shake or bar. On the 5 & 1 days, it's a lean and green. Sorry if that was confusing.

One other question...when I was at the gym tonight, I burned 260 calories on the treadmill. Should I eat an extra 260 calories then? I'm sorry if I'm just not getting it, but I want to make sure I do things right. Here's what I did today:

7:30 shake
10:30 shake
1:30 shake
4:30 shake
5:00 - bar
5:15-5:55 - workout- burned 260 calories
6:30 - chili
7:30 - shake
next shake at 10:30 pm.

So, I had all my normal 6 MFs (no lean and green today). In addition, I had another bar and chili (160 +110 = 270 additional calories). Is that right? If I had only done one extra supplement (say the bar @ 160 calories), would I be putting myself into starvation since I burned off 100 more calories? Am I just worrying about this too much?
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Postby Nancy » March 1st, 2005, 8:11 pm

On workout days, if I didn't have time or the inclination for the Lean and Green, I'd just add one other Medifast meal - so I'd have 7 that day.

I would not have a shake at 4:30 and then a bar right at 5 PM. I'd have the bar at 4:45 to give you more carbs and calories for your workout and then a shake right afterwards or the Lean and Green sometime right after the workout like 6 or 6:30 PM. This might be a way to go...

7:30 shake
10:30 shake
1:30 shake
4:45 bar
5:15-5:55 - workout- burned 260 calories
6:00 Ideally I'd have the Lean and Green here, but if ya can't/don't want to, a shake

8:00 shake
last shake at 10:30 pm.

Is your energy level good? Experiencing any hunger?

Here's what I did today
7:30 Women's Health Shake
10:30 Women's Health Shake
1:30 Women's Health Shake
2:00 Workout Burned 360 calories plus I did weights
3:45 Cappuccino
6:45 two boiled eggs chopped up and served over 1.5 cups of steamed green beans with a healthy glug of Pico Pica Hot Sauce and a can of Hansen's Diet Tangerine Lime soda.

About 9:30 or 10 I'll have Chai Latte

About midnight or later if I'm still at it, I'll have French Vanilla Berry Oatmeal...

Watch your weight for a few days, if you are losing steadily, don't worry so much. Keep a journal and see if you can establish your body's usual pattern. Perhaps your pattern is to have two weeks of puny losses, two weeks of a generous loss. If your energy level is good and you are not experiencing hunger, you are doing well. Be sure to get adequate rest.
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Postby LouLou » March 2nd, 2005, 7:14 am

Thanks Nancy & everyone. I'll follow your suggestions and report in next week to let you know how I do. I'm not physically hungry (I do mentally still want food though) and I've got lots of energy! My clothes are definately looser so I'll just wait it out -- maybe it's just a plateau.

Keep shakin'
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Postby Nancy » March 2nd, 2005, 7:23 am

Oh, that mental foody desire seems to stick around for a while. I do quite well most days now but every once in a while, it doinks right back and I have to do some serious self-talk to get it under control again!

I forgot to ask you about your water intake on exercise days. I know that you mentioned you slurp 90+ ounces as day, keep your water intake really high when you exercise. Our muscles need a lot of water and oxygen when they are working and it takes some time for them to recover after a big workout, too. On the weeks that I do weights 5 times a week, my weight sometimes goes up, even though I ate the 'same old same old' as the week before; the muscles just need water and a rest.

You'll be thin, toned and have a steady metabolism. Weigh to go!
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