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Postby elle4nelly » October 20th, 2005, 7:39 am

Hi gang!! I am about to burst in tears!! Here's my miserable post!

FUSTRATION: :x :x I started Medifast on Saturday the 9th. I lost a whooping 7lbs in just 2 days. Great right???? Not so great! The scale hasn’t budged down ever since Monday the 11th!!!!!!!!! I have been recycling from 235lbs to 236lbs each day!!!!!!! I am really upset now! First of all this isn’t my set point! Other than last year when I reached my all time life obese weight of 258lbs, I have never weighed 235lbs!! I remember dropping 35 lbs in 36 days last year on my very first trial with Medifast and then getting stuck at around 220lbs. Which is the weight I have been consistently at during my obese 6 last years. I am feeling utterly frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BETRAYAL: :cry: I have been 100% compliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don’t drink coffee because I like cream. I switch to green tea because I can drink tea with no sugar and no cream. I drink 10 glasses of water on top of the tea. I feel even over hydrated some days!!!!!
SO WHY IS THAT DARN TORTURE DEVICE WE CALL A SCALE NOT REWARDING ME FOR MY EFFORTS!!!!!!! Everyone notices the weight loss…and the scale ignores it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am feeling betrayed!!!!!!!!!!!!

FIRST A FALL THEN CAME ANOTHER: So last night I am feeling weak from my morning workout and shaking all day and drinking just plain H2o and tea. I am pouting on my friend sofa. I turned down diner! That’s good! I turned down wine! That’s real good! So I’m like, since I feel so light headed and I worked out…maybe the scale has budge down. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don’t weight in at night!!!!!!!!!!! The scale was up at 237lb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got upset!!!!! I cried! I asked her for a drink! She handed me 2 ounce of gin on the rocks. I downed it in one angry shot!
What happened next????? The worst feeling ever!!!!!!! I got instantly hit! Got light headed and dizzy!!!!!!!!! I told her I better lay down. Went to sleep. Had disturbing dreams woke up sick as a dog!!!!!!!!!!!! Hung over from 2 pitiful ounces of Gin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grabbed 2 Advil and next thing I am flying like an airplane!!!!!!! I rarely take aspirin or Advil even before Medifast!!!!!!!!!
By the time I got to work. I was still hung over, feeling miserable and dangerously hypoglycemic. I rushed into a bakery and grab a mini baguette and devoured half of it by the time I reached my building 2 blocks away.
I am fine now. I have no intent to continue the fall!!!! But it does hurt emotionally really bad!!!!!!!!!! I hate myself for falling off. And physically I don’t feel too good either. I learned 2 hard lessons. ALCOHOL AND MEDIFAST DON’T MIX!!!!!! DON’T DO IT!!!!!!!!!! AND EATING SOMETHING OFF PLAN, ONLY LEADS TO THE WORST LOW SELF ESTEEM AND BEATING YOURSELF DOWN.

So here you have it!! I am going to shake back on track…but I need help staying away from the dag on scale and I need to see positive results from all this hard work!!!!!!!!!!! I am really frustrated and angry. And sad too! Somebody please say something to me! Anything!!!! I am really down!!
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Postby TamiL » October 20th, 2005, 8:02 am

Oh friend....Im sorry youve had a slip.

Forgive yourself...get back up...and start again. Plain and simple. FORGET WEIGHING yourself!! you are WORKOUT smart...I know how your body can hold onto fluid when you work out too soon!! I started this on October 1st and Ive weighed myself ONCE now...and tommorrow is 3 I will start to work out again...Im following this to the "T" this time...waitied my 3 weeks to start working long did u wait? or have you cut your exercise routine in HALF as the rules go untill about 3 weeks into the program???? if your exercising TOO Much ...thats whats keepin the scales staying put...
you have done the math before..your BODY is struggling to HANG onto your weight...if your work outs are too strenuous!!

I know how frustrating this is....I too..lost faster the first time around with medifast..but each time we put our bodies on the YO YO train...we have slower give it time!! If I were you..I would only be working out for a maximum of 1/2 your normal time..maybe not more than 20 min a day for now..untill after a few weeks..then start back slowly!! we are on lower calories than normal...our bodies will HOLD ONTO EVERY FLUID and EVERY FAT CELL it can if it feels like its working harder than normal during this ketosis phase and untill we are used to it....

FORGET THE WEIGHING in.....go by how you feel your just feeling that you got thru ONE day at a time CLEAN and clear....the numbers will GET they did!! DONT LET THEM!!
I know your feeling crappy my friend....start NEW....forget yesterday...TODAY IS A NEW DAY!! start over....dont go by your last experience with Medifast...that is the past..this is a NEW EXPERIENCE...a new JOURNEY....take it as it comes....just DO IT!!!


we are all here for you!!
Tami ;)

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Postby dlr2424 » October 20th, 2005, 8:52 am

Nelly................. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: .........please don't beat yourself up...... :secret: ....and stay off the scales....... :hug: .....that reading shouldn't be your ONLY positive confirmation..... :yes: ......we all know the many positives that take place with Medifast ...... :scratchhead: .....and yet we rely on the scale for gratification...............I think we can all relate to your frustration........and all our advice, as comforting as it can be, is sometimes easier said than done.... :cry: ...we fall into the rut of allowing that little piece of metal to rule our emotions..... :hmmm: ....if the number is pleasing .....we are happy...... :bouncie: ....if it's not........ :brickwall: ......we beat ourselves up ....... :tears: .....
Tami gave you great advice..... :yes: ....try to focus on all the positive changes............You will do this!!!!!!!!!!!


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Postby Jan » October 20th, 2005, 10:01 am

What a day!! The loyal forum members are right on again. Too much exercise can do you in. We are creatures of old thinking patterns. "Let's sweat that fat away" "Skip that meal -- lower our calories" Well Don't do it!!! Both of these things will s l o w weight loss. Remember this is a medical program - medically designed. Eat everything that is on your program each day and be careful where exercise is concerned.
Now, you know what else can s l o w weight loss?? --- Stress and emotional upsets. That nasty old scale strikes again :x Relax, shake up your stuff, follow faithfully, keep off the scale. You'll do fine and the pounds will be a thing of the past. :D
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Postby Nancy » October 20th, 2005, 12:54 pm

Woah Nelly ~

:shock: Oh, my! Am I gonna have to have the MakeMeThinner Fairy do a fly-by and sprinkle you with "I candothis dust?"

:pet: Awwwww, you poor thinnin' lady! No more :hammerhead: self-mutilation and flagellation :whip: for our Nelle Belle…

Couple of issues here – well, yeah :weightlift: exercise will stall you out when you first begin….

The yo-yo dieting comment is right-on.

This is a NEW Medifast adventure – not the same as before.

When a person messes with different DIEts and then yo-yos, it takes some time for our metabolism to recover. Frequent yo-yoing can cause our metabolism to become resistant. Once we get to our appropriate weight, we S-l-o-w-l-y increase our daily caloric intake, add the exercise component to step it up and then maintain our weight as close as possible.

Gradually is the way to do it. When people go off the program abruptly and have a foody adventure – high fat, high calorie, high glycemic index foods on top of a low metabolism = flab fallout. :bricks:

When we are Medifasting, our body is more sensitive to caffeine and yes, :buddies: alcohol…alcohol is metabolized as sugar by the bod. When we have a snort without the benefit of protein in our belly, our glucose level soars – imagine the :hammerhead1: hammer hitters at a carnival – you know the strong guy that whacks a rubber bump with a big mallet that sends the little iron ball up the measuring stick to ding the bell – when we knock down a pint, our blood sugar ding-dings the bell in terms of the upper limit and just as quickly as the mirrored ball drops fro Times Square on New Year’s Eve, so does our blood sugar. That low drop creates a carb crave that cannot be satisfied nearly fast enough – thus your baguette story is familiar – the low blood sugar sends us in search for more carbs (sugar).

Now that the scientific garbahje is taken care of, the bottom line is – fur-getta-bout it and let’s get on with it. Learn from it. Put your scale in the garage for three weeks.

Be sure you drink plenty of water with your work-out to soothe your muscles.

It will take a few weeks for your body to adjust to the exercise routine and begin to release weight again. You are most likely retaining fluid and certainly not flab after a workout.

The scale is not your friend and either is food.

Glad you are back on track. :yippee:
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Postby Gwenski » October 20th, 2005, 2:31 pm

I agree with all these shaking smarty pants here!

Repeat after me -- "The scale is not my friend."

Put the scale away -- someplace where you cannot get to it for a long, long time. Weighing everyday at different times is just looking for trouble. Give yourself a break emotionally, mentally and physically by staying off it and giving yourself a chance to get used to this new lifestyle.

You know you can do this which makes everything seem much worse than it is. This isn't easy, it is hard but so is being overweight. You so are going to do this.

This is done, time to shelf it and move forward down the road to what you want.

Even though you may not think it, you are going great - give yourself a pat on the back for taking care of YOU! Plus you came here - how can you not be marvelous?!? :mrgreen:

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Postby elle4nelly » October 20th, 2005, 3:41 pm

My dearest friends:
I want to thank each of you for making me feel so much better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You Guys are great! You are truly my Sister's keepers!!!!

I got right back on track. It was awfully hard since I felt so ill until early afternoon. I was dizzy and light headed and flighty. It was like instant diabetes!! The insulin spike and fall from the carb load (the Gin shot and the baguette the next morning) were atrocious!!! I learned a few very valuable lessons in the last 24 hours. I will NEVER REPEAT these events. My body couldn't handle it!!!
I however, haven't got an appetite and have managed only 2 shakes in and a soup! I will make myself take in the next 2 and keep moving. I will put this behind me. The torture device is being removed from my premises and stored at a friend for a couple of weeks. I am way too obsessive / compulsive. Hiding it in the house will not work. The impulse to dig it out will be too great! I am also putting exercise away for a couple of weeks. And just shaking and drinking water and plain tea.
Oh what an evening and a day!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for the much needed support. You are so fantastic! :yourock:

Your shaking friend who's back on track!
God bless you all!
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Postby Nancy » October 20th, 2005, 9:43 pm

Nelly ~ good for you - you made a plan and you followed it by stowing the :twisted: measuring device!

Have a gladsome day on Friday!
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