Hi gang!! I am about to burst in tears!! Here's my miserable post!


SO WHY IS THAT DARN TORTURE DEVICE WE CALL A SCALE NOT REWARDING ME FOR MY EFFORTS!!!!!!! Everyone notices the weight loss…and the scale ignores it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am feeling betrayed!!!!!!!!!!!!
FIRST A FALL THEN CAME ANOTHER: So last night I am feeling weak from my morning workout and shaking all day and drinking just plain H2o and tea. I am pouting on my friend sofa. I turned down diner! That’s good! I turned down wine! That’s real good! So I’m like, since I feel so light headed and I worked out…maybe the scale has budge down. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please don’t weight in at night!!!!!!!!!!! The scale was up at 237lb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got upset!!!!! I cried! I asked her for a drink! She handed me 2 ounce of gin on the rocks. I downed it in one angry shot!
What happened next????? The worst feeling ever!!!!!!! I got instantly hit! Got light headed and dizzy!!!!!!!!! I told her I better lay down. Went to sleep. Had disturbing dreams woke up sick as a dog!!!!!!!!!!!! Hung over from 2 pitiful ounces of Gin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grabbed 2 Advil and next thing I am flying like an airplane!!!!!!! I rarely take aspirin or Advil even before Medifast!!!!!!!!!
By the time I got to work. I was still hung over, feeling miserable and dangerously hypoglycemic. I rushed into a bakery and grab a mini baguette and devoured half of it by the time I reached my building 2 blocks away.
I am fine now. I have no intent to continue the fall!!!! But it does hurt emotionally really bad!!!!!!!!!! I hate myself for falling off. And physically I don’t feel too good either. I learned 2 hard lessons. ALCOHOL AND MEDIFAST DON’T MIX!!!!!! DON’T DO IT!!!!!!!!!! AND EATING SOMETHING OFF PLAN, ONLY LEADS TO THE WORST LOW SELF ESTEEM AND BEATING YOURSELF DOWN.
So here you have it!! I am going to shake back on track…but I need help staying away from the dag on scale and I need to see positive results from all this hard work!!!!!!!!!!! I am really frustrated and angry. And sad too! Somebody please say something to me! Anything!!!! I am really down!!